Terrible video: two students looted a moving soda truck, fell and died on the spot | the Chronicle


The Mexican city of Tlaxcala is still shocked after the news of two young students of the Normal Rural Carmen Serdán Tételes, located in Puebla, which died after falling from a truck carrying soda.

Through the images of the video from a security camera, which has gone viral on social networks in recent hours, we can see how the two young students, Iris “N”, from 21 years old, and Mónica Paola “N”, from 22 years old, suffered a tragic death by falling from the moving vehicle against the sidewalk.

The events took place on the Perote-Amozoc motorway, approximately 200 meters from the Cuapiaxtla stand, May 20, when a group of 70 students was walking.

According to the Televisa network news report, the incident occurred after young people They will try to steal the soda truck, which had completed its deliveries. Security camera footage shows students concentrating in the back of the trailer, and a few seconds later, they manage to open the box.

Subsequently, part of the group of students begins to climb into the trunk of the trailer, while, while the other approaches the cabin of the driver, who, in despair, start the truck.

At around 4:45 p.m., the cameras recorded the exact moment when one of the students jumped to the back of the moving trailer, assisted by her classmates, but did not hold on and fell against the hard pavement. Meters later, In a curve, Monica and Iris, also fail to stabilize and end up falling on the sidewalk, causing them instant death

Shortly after these events, Mexican Red Cross paramedics arrived at the scene and treated the young women who had been severely beaten in the head with first aid. However, after trying to save them, the two normalizers were pronounced dead.

The authorities of Tlaxcala they learned about it and an investigation file was opened for the two deaths. The governor of Puebla, Luis Miguel Barbosa, expressed his condolences on the death of the two students of the Escuela Normal de Tételes.


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