Terrified, a woman denounced in the Jujuy police that her son is threatened by "Momo"


A creepy viral message, that was broadcast via Whatsapp came to justice. A woman reported in Section 21 of the Perico Police, Jujuy, that someone named "Momo" threatened to kill his son 16 years old. years old and told him to make challenges.

The child joined the "fashion" among teens and sent his number to "Momo", and immediately began the threats. Despite the complaint and the fact that the young man has changed the chip of the mobile phone, the threats persist, he publishes Tribuno de Jujuy. Because of the fear, the young man does not want to leave his house.

"I'm Momo, I'm coming to get you, you have to do the challenges if I do not want to kill you, you have to leave your house now I'm going to kill you with your knife, I'm in the bathroom, answer I have a lot of cell phones, "is one of the messages received by the 16-year-old boy.

As WhatsApp works, in addition to the phone number, but also with the registered email account in the mobile device operating systems, for this reason, the chip change does not finish to solve the situation.

What is "Momo"

According to users, the message of a stranger has reached their mobile phone with the picture of a woman supposedly sinister and deformed . But it does not come alone because it provides a series of instructions that, if you do not comply, you can "disappear from the planet without leaving a trace", as the enigmatic text says.

"With the character, they say that he usually responds with perverse and violent images.Before the arrival of these messages it is advisable to block the number of phone and not answer them, because they hide the intentions of strangers.

Once "viralized" Momo, we knew where the image of the viral challenge came from. </ p> <p> This is a sculpture that was part of a museum specializing in the terrifying art located in China.

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