Terror in Canada for three deadly murders and two disappearances: they fear the existence of a serial killer


Three murders and two disappearances in northern British Columbia, a remote region of Canada bordering Alaska (United States), are terrorizing the country for fear of the existence of a killer in series.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police convened a press conference in Vancouver during which it provided little information on the murders and disappearances and only revealed the robot portrait from someone who can have information on two of the dead.

Image of the couple found murdered. (Chynna Deese / AP)
Image of the couple found murdered. (Chynna Deese / AP)

For the moment, Canadian authorities have indicated that nothing seems to relate to the death of the American Chynna DeeseAnd the Australian Lucas Fowler, 23, July 14, with the murder of another person about 500 kilometers south of where the remains of the tourist couple appeared.

The horse police do not know either if these two cases are related to the disappearance last friday Kam McLeod, 19, and Bryer Schmegelsky, 18, who traveled to the Yukon looking for work.

The only thing the police found after four days of searching is the vehicle in which the two young people were traveling. The car was on fire.

According to family members and the Canadian police itself, Deese and Fowler were two enthusiastic travelers who met in 2017 in Europe and decided to travel to Alaska to visit Canada's picturesque west coast.

Image of the robot portrait offered by the police of a man who could have information on two of the three dead. (Photo: Darryl Dyck / AP)
Image of the robot portrait offered by the police of a man who could have information on two of the three dead. (Photo: Darryl Dyck / AP)

After almost two weeks of travel, the couple arrived near the Liard River Hot Springs Nature Park, about 150 kilometers from the Alaska border.

But the van in which they were traveling broke down shortly before arriving at the park and, although several people offered help to the couple, Deese and Fowler decided that they did not need help and could solve the mechanical problem.

On July 15, police discovered their slaughtered corpses next to the road and near the van.

Subsequently, on July 19, police began their search in the vicinity of the town of Dease Lake, about 450 kilometers south of Liard River Hot Springs, the other couple (McLeod and Schmegelsky) after discovered their truck on fire. road.

However, instead of finding the two young men, the mounted police discovered the body of another person, an unidentified man aged 50 to 60 years.

A Canadian Mounted Police official shows the robotic portrait of the suspect. (Photo: Darryl Dyck / AP)
A Canadian Mounted Police official shows the robotic portrait of the suspect. (Photo: Darryl Dyck / AP)

For now, the police seem to have only one idea of ​​what could be one of the last people to talk to Deese and Fowler before he died. murder.

he robot portrait Authorities released on Monday a man with a beard, dark skin and a military cap who appears to be driving a Jeep vehicle.

Police said that she did not consider the individual as a suspect in the case death of two young tourists and that he's only interested in talking to him because he's been seen chatting with Fowler.

Although Canadian police found it, the authorities acknowledged that the area was state of alert after the three deaths and the two disappearances.


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