Terror in Colombia: They cremated a candidate for mayor of the Liberal Party


While the national government of Colombia, responsible for President Iván Duque, is trying to carry out its policy and its government by restoring the weapons of one faction of the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia)., which announced on Thursday 08/29 that "they would rise in their arms", not as new guerrilla warfare, but as a "new phase of struggle", acts of insecurity continue to occur in Colombia, and this time they have even reached the politicians.

So, after a weekend of disappearing, Karina García, candidate for mayor of Suárez, Cauca, was found dead in a vehicle in which he was traveling with 5 other people, today all deceased. However, it was not an accident since the car in which she had been transported was found by gunfire and cremated, but we did not know who was to blame.

We condemn with pain the mbadacre perpetrated in the district of Betulia, municipality of Suárez (Cauca), against the mayoral candidate, Karina García, and her companions. Events occur less than a week after the early warning session 033 of the CIPRAT for this municipality. pic.twitter.com/v0NHL1H1nc

– Defensoría delPueblo (@DefensoriaCol) September 2, 2019

While many think that it's about FARC, from the Cauca, is one of the regions where they have the most action, which is sinking and an incredible crisis of insecurity because it is the field of confrontation between the guerrilla forces of the FARC and the The National Liberation Army (ELN), another guerrilla organization, from the far left, is operating in Colombia.

Recall that the two groups are fighting, in addition to control of the territory for a cause of power and influence, for drug trafficking, because different organizations are currently fighting in Colombia and Mexico, the area of ​​?? influence of the sale of narcotics. Only in the case of The FARC and the ELN are also armed groups.

But returning to the murder of the candidate, the Office of the OmbudsmanHe was responsible for giving this statement and stated that the incident occurred on Sunday 01/09 in the evening and that Garcia's mother was also one of the victims. In addition, Rossi Muñoz Solarte, The Ombudsman of the region explained that it was not the first time that the candidate was tempted to attack because he had a security system behind the unit of national protection.

According to the explanations of the Colombian newspaper El Espectador, the protection system issued alerts concerning the risks incurred by the candidate, so that 19 of them were referred to the FARC, while the others did it on other organizations. Added to this are the threats he has been exposed to in recent months as the Liberal Party has approved him as the department's candidate.

# Do not live the war / She was Karina García Sierra, our candidate for mayor of Suarez, Cauca. Miserable, they mbadacred him with his mother and his escorts. President @ IvanDuque and the guarantees of the right to life? @PartidoLiberal pic.twitter.com/K0oAJpijfw

– Liberal Party (@PartidoLiberal) September 2, 2019

Among the threats and attacks were the destruction of their posters or the fact that a group of their campaign agents had also been intercepted in the Cuca area by "four armed subjects of a group outside the law", although they have not been identified at any time.

Following the scandals, the party of the deceased candidate urges President Iván Duque to act against armed groups while demanding guarantees of his life and at the same time to continue to participate in the movement. "electoral contest". Taking into account Friday, August 30 last, the president downplayed the situation of the FARC saying: "We are not facing the birth of a new guerrilla, but the criminal threats of a gang of narcoterrorists hosted and supported by the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro."


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