Terror in Milpa Alta: a chief killed and massacred his wife to “give her to the dogs”


José was arrested after committing his partner's crime in the city of San Antonio Tecomitl, Milpa Alta Mayor's Office Photo: (CDMX Prosecutor's Office)
José was arrested after committing his partner’s crime in the city of San Antonio Tecomitl, Milpa Alta Mayor’s Office Photo: (CDMX Prosecutor’s Office)

Elements of the Citizen Security Secretariat (SSC), arrested a man for his probable participation in the crimes of femicide and attempted femicide, registered in the city of San Antonio Tecomitl, office of the mayor of Milpa Alta, informed the Office of the Attorney General of Mexico City (FGJCDMX) that will continue its legal proceedings.

The data that make up the survey establish that the day of yesterday afternoon, a woman asked the SSC police for help when she pointed out that she had been threatened with death by her son-in-law with a knife.

Upon arriving at the home, the detainee attempted to flee today when he realized the presence of the men in uniform, but was secured and transferred., with the stabbed weapon, at the Milpa Alta Territorial Investigation Prosecutor’s Office.

According to the police report, later The individual said he had deprived his romantic partner of his life, so the police carried out a visual inspection of the property and informed the social representative, in order to order the intervention of elements of the Investigation Police (IDP) and experts to conduct the corresponding investigations and secure the evidence.

In addition to the above, the femicide protocol has been activated and the investigation file for these events has been sent to the Office of the Special Prosecutor for the Investigation of the Crime of Femicide, attached to the General Coordination of Investigation of gender crimes and attention to victims, where The procedure continues to determine the legal situation of the current detainee.

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For his part, star journalist Carlos Jiménez explained that The accused had consumed several doses of the drug known as crystal and although at first he thought he was trading his wife for other drugs, he killed her., even though he says he doesn’t remember how.

This man’s partner would be called Jaqueline and would be 25 years old, for his part he would be a chef and supposedly massacred his partner and parts of her would cook to feed their dogs, detailed the journalist.

18 women murdered per day in 2020

Feminists and citizens in general demonstrate in the Mexican port of Acapulco, in the state of Guerrero (Mexico).  EFE / David Guzmán / Archives
Feminists and citizens in general demonstrate in the Mexican port of Acapulco, in the state of Guerrero (Mexico). EFE / David Guzmán / Archives

The report on violence against women, published at the end of January by the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), revealed a terrible increase in murders of women and girls per day, if years ago, there were 10 on average, in 2020, they brutally killed 18 women every day.

The numbers showed they were being counted 942 feminicides, 2,783 intentional homicides of women and 3,136 culpable homicides of women, for a total of 6,861 who were brutally murdered In 2020 alone, on average per day, they murdered 18 (18.79).

According to 2020 figures, Morelos tops the list as the entity with the highest incidence per 100,000 population of feminicides, with 3.14; Colima, with 3.04; New Leon, 2.39; Sonora, 2.01 and Veracruz, with 1.91.

Feminicides have doubled in Mexico in five years

A group of feminist collectives light torches today Sunday to protest against feminicides at the National Palace in Mexico City.  EFE / Carlos Ramirez
A group of feminist collectives light torches today Sunday to protest against feminicides at the National Palace in Mexico City. EFE / Carlos Ramirez

Far from decreasing, crimes against women and girls have increased in Mexico. From 2015 to November 2020, feminicides doubled and murders, according to figures from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP).

In 2015, 411 crimes classified as feminicides were recorded. In 2016 they rose to 605, in 2017 they were 742, in 2018 they were 893, in 2019 they increased alarmingly to 940, while until November 2020, they were officially 860.

It should be noted that the figures above only correspond to crimes that have been legally classified as feminicides, but the number of female deaths is immensely higher.

In another graph, the Secretariat has shown that raw data on female deaths by intentional homicide has also undergone an unstoppable increase.

In 2015, they were 1,735, in 2016, they rose to 2,191, in 2017 they went to 2,535, in 2018 they were 2,763, in 2019, 2,869 and in 2020 only until November, they were 2,567.


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