Terror on the beaches of Spain for the appearance of the Portuguese caravel


Chipiona's civil protection activated its protocol for these cases, which includes the raising of the red flag (prohibition of bathroom) and the diffusion of the novelty through the site of the town hall.

The the beaches were closed before the registration of cases of Portuguese caravel bites. The effects of the injury include an intense burning sensation, hives and local inflammation with very severe pain.

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The beach of Las Tres Piedras, in Cadiz, was closed to the public

The beach of Las Tres Piedras, in Cadiz, was closed to the public

Before a mouthful of Portuguese caravel It is recommended to check the skin and clothing of the person badigned to make sure that there are no strands of creature attached since these they stay active for several days and can continue to harm.

filaments should be removed with a tweezers or a rigid object.


The next thing the authorities recommend is to wash the wound with salt water – Never sweet -, apply the ice in a bag to reduce inflammation and stay out of direct sunlight.


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