Terror: security camera recorded a ghost in the garden of his house | Chronic


By Jorge Fernández Gentile
[email protected]

The phenomenon of the appearance of ghostly spirits, filmed by security cameras that do not respond to these "necessities", is a fait accompli that is repeated without a break on the whole planet, be it in Bangkok, Damascus , New York, Villa Fiorito or Manchester. That is, it is no longer a matter of faith or religious acts. These concentrated energies, from when, surprise with their appearances in silent images, which are not for that, but end up leaving those who observe them speechless and are astonished and do not see shadows or shapes from the corner of their eyes, only disappear at the least expected moment. And it does not matter whether he who looks through a lens is a fearful person or not, whether he has a itch or lives carelessly, whether his faith is of one or the other religious belief.

It all comes down to images, and everyone, his own and his strangers, leaves them a feeling of worry, which goes beyond the fear of such a paranormal experience. Because the question still floats: what do you really have the chance to see? Because the incarnation of entities that seem to inhabit other plans is beyond their real or visual character. When a video is badyzed in great detail and there is no trick in sight, the mystery expands and unexplained leaves the feeling that it There is still a lot to know, but it is an enigma to solve. This often happens when you watch a video published by a Lincolnshire girl from a video taken by a private security company and made in the garden of her house.

L & # 39; s history

Amanda Papadopoulos, 39, was at home with her two sons, aged 4 and 6, respectively, when she noticed for the first time a strange figure that seemed to move, as if she was floating in the garden of her house at Eagle, the English county of Lincolnshire.

That's when her husband PaulSix years older than her and occupying her current position, she received a notification from the security company "Nest" warning that "something" had been recorded by the camera installed in the garden.

Amanda, who works as a secretary in an office, just watched the images on her computer last Tuesday, March 26, and was shocked to see a ghostly entity spinning around her and moving as if she were in a hammock with some ropes. from the dryer, before disappearing without a trace on the roof of the building, aged 117, because on its facade, it indicates that it was built in 1903.

"You do not see something like that on TV every day", explained the woman to the English newspaper The sun. "I was wondering Oh, God, let me see that again, but I do not want to see it too much, my husband thinks it's fantastic, but I feel a bit scared.".

A curious being

As you can see from the pictures, the strange presence seems to have feet and is, like almost all, ethereal, almost transparent. I quickly moved into the garden and into a sort of shed to disappear suddenly before reappearing in the back door of the house, standing against the door before disappearing from the vision of the camera.

This is not the first time the family has seen paranormal activity. Amanda and Paul, director of one company, said that on other occasions, they had heard soldiers march by and were awakened by the sound of laughing children. The day of the shooting, they went to see their children and they slept soundly. Amanda is therefore convinced that all these incidents are related to each other.

"My daughter went through a period of awakening at night and it was more or less at the same time", continued to explain Amanda. "She woke up around one in the morning and the video is between 23 and 1:20 in the morning."


Last October, this family moved to the old town of Aigle, a site linked to the Knights Templar. And apparently, his house was an old chapel built in the late nineteenth century and a Victorian school built in 1903, which led Amanda to believe that the ghost could be that of a child or one of a Knight Templar. But what she is sure of is that her family's move could have angered the ghost by the reforms made at home, although the child's ghost can also visit their children.

What could it be?

Usually, the spectral spectra are directly or indirectly related to deceased persons, to a known person or even to a member of the family. Although many others have to do with the history of the site or an old cemetery that could happen to stay in the area. These ghosts may be benevolent or not, but they can appear in different ways. Some are aware that they are visible; can talk or make noise, throw objects and even emit the most varied aromas, to be noticed.

Paranormal research experts say that this type of ghost retains his personality when he was alive and could even feel emotions.

Skeptics suggest that possible explanations for a ghostly presence include atmospheric or geomagnetic activity and the altered sensations and states of consciousness induced by changes in brain chemistry caused by stress, the lack of energy, and the lack of energy. oxygen, monotonous stimulation the accumulation of hormones. But what happens when the observation is recorded on video? Perhaps the answer to this question is an English family, who has recorded what appears to be the ghost of a child running in the garden of his house.


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