Terrorist attacks shake Chile, but the reasons for the moment are unknown


Chilean police wonder who sent two sophisticated pump packs Thursday without taking any responsibility or demanding anything. The first bomb exploded in a police station in northern Santiago and He left five policemen in the hospital. The second was intercepted at the headquarters of Quinenco SA, one of the holding companies through which the wealthiest family in the country controls Bank of Chile.

One of the possibilities is that the bombs are the work of a group in the shadow known as the Individualists on the edge of nature (ITS), which claimed previous attacks in Chile, as well as attacks in Mexico and Brazil. They call themselves ecoextremistasbut we do not know exactly what they want.

"We are facing a cruel, relentless and powerful enemy"says the president Sebastian Piñera Friday during the visit of the bombed police station. "Investigations take time, but we will succeed in arresting, judging and condemning."to the managers.

The bomb yesterday at the police station contained "industrial powder"While the one sent to Quinenco had dynamite, which was not used in previous attacks in Chile, according to the local press.

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In 2017, a bomb exploded in the house of Oscar Landerretche, then president of the state's copper miner, Codelco, and wounded him as well as two other people. While ITS claimed responsibility for the attack, Landerretche said he doubted his involvement.

However, in January, another machine exploded in a bus station in downtown Santiago, killing five people. In May, a bomb that did not explode was delivered to the home of Metro president Louis de Grange. In both cases, ITS claimed responsibility.

The attacks have raised tensions in Santiago, one of the safest cities in Latin America. On Friday, Codelco's Gabriela Mistral mine's human resources chief, Francisco Marín, was arrested at the Calama airport after shouting "a bomb." He was fired immediately, according to a statement from the company.

A metro station was also closed Thursday as police investigated an abandoned suitcase. No explosives were found.


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