Tetanus in the United States: what will happen if we do not get vaccinated


Scientific progress in terms of vaccination achieved control – and in some cases eradication – of many diseases. The maintenance of this situation depends on each citizen vaccinated. When that does not happen, there are cases like Oregon in a country where this disease has not occurred for three decades.

A 6-year-old boy, whose parents are anti-vaccine, cut his forehead playing on the farm where he lives. His parents cleaned and stung the wound at home and all was well for a while. Six days after the incident, the child started crying, clenching his jaw and suffering from muscle spasms. When the picture deteriorated and breathing problems appeared, the family called the medical emergency that had led to a hospital by helicopter.

After the clinical examination, the diagnosis happened: the boy had tetanus, a disease that had not been recorded in Oregon for 30 years. The case occurred in 2017, although the report was recently released by the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The baby, whose identity was reserved, He was hospitalized for 57 days, including 47 in intensive care. Upon arrival at the hospital, the situation deteriorated: his back and neck were arched, his muscles contracted permanently and he was unable to move his jaw. Then he suffered from hypertension, tachycardia and fever. They had to perform a tracheostomy so that he could breathe and block it to withstand the pain. Once released, he needed 17 days of rehabilitation.

A month later, he resumed his normal life. Although he is about to die – and after receiving information about the importance of immunization – the CDC reported that his parents are still convinced not to vaccinate him, they will not even give him a second dose against tetanus (since the first was administered when he arrived at the clinic). The cost of this case has been more than $ 800,000, not counting air travel, rehabilitation or subsequent outpatient care. That is, according to the agency, 72 times more than the cost of a pediatric hospitalization.

From Comfort We consulted infectologist Hugo Pizzi, Full Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Córdoba (M.N. 54101, M.P. 7827) about the case. In this regard, he badured: "Tetanus is a terrible disease for those who suffer and dramatic for those around them. It is a pathology that the human being has dominated centuries ago. Therefore, the fact that these things still exist is a wonderful thing. "In any case, the doctor pointed out that the young man who had decided to be vaccinated at the age of 18 had come to the US Congress to give his testimony on the problem of not being vaccinated. In Argentina, several judges acted for abandonment.quickly for not respecting the law on compulsory vaccination, "he added.

Tetanus is a neuromuscular disease caused by a bacterium. It is usually on the floor and enters the body through cuts in the skin. Symptoms can occur between 3 and 21 days after infection, although they average an average of eight. The pathology causes painful spasms in the muscles and can lead to a blockage of the jaw (the patient can not open the mouth or swallow).

The disease has no cure and its treatment relies on controlling complications until the effects of the toxin disappear. It's a preventable disease thanks to pentavalent vaccine five times (against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type b). In Argentina, it is compulsory and free at the age of 2, 4, 6, and 15 to 18 months. It is then recommended to administer a booster dose against tetanus every ten years.


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