A British diver who helped rescue children trapped in a cave in Thailand said that the offer of a millionaire minisub Elon Musk was only a "publicity stunt" . 19659002] " You can get the submarine where it hurts ," said Vern Unsworth at CNN in an interview Saturday night
"He had no chance of working, he had no idea what it looked like." cave, the submarine was five feet out of six [1,5 x 1,8 metros] and was rigid, so was not able to turn the corners or encircle the obstacles I would not have not able to leave the first 50 meters from the entrance to the cave, it was just a publicity stunt. "
Unsworth was part of an international team of experts diving into the caves that he continued to keep alive the 12 trapped teenagers and their coach last week. The "Wild Boar" football team was trapped there on June 23rd.
Before a request on Twitter, Elon Musk said that he was "Enchanted by helping" in the rescue of boys, their project was not done. Was not accepted. (AFP)
To save them they had to dive through very narrow corridors completely submerged.
In the middle of the operation, Musk tweeted, apparently from Thailand: "I just returned from cave 3. The mini submarine is ready if necessary .It is made with rocket parts and is called "The Boar" by the children's team.I leave it here in case it could be useful in the future. "
When asked if Musk was in the cellar, Unsworth shrugged and said that " was there, they asked him to leave very quickly . "
Teens from 11 to 16 years old are recovering at Chiang Rai Hospital but they will be released this week, since they are all well.
Source: DPA
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