Thailand: Lifeguard warns that children's rescue of the cave "could be a disaster" | Raphael Aroush | World


The rescue tasks of 12 children and his football coach trapped in the cave Than Luang in Thailand, since June 23, were delayed rains in the area

Because the cave was still flooded, it was proposed, as a recovery option to teach children to dive. Although this solution was considered the most optimal, it produced a terrible loss

YOU CAN SEE Thailand: A rescuer dies in a rescue operation for children trapped in a cave

Samarn Kunan a former member of the Thai Navy and experienced rescuer died at the age of 38 while helping 12 children

According to Raphael Aroush an eminent Israeli diver 53 years old who is a member of the rescue team of 13 people trapped and who claims to know all over Southeast Asia to live there there for decades, has confessed that what happened to deceased lifeguard is only "19659002]  thailand

" It's very risky to get them out, think about what's happened past, a Navy Seal just died last night. it could be for a child of 12 years old "Aroush told Reuters.

The rescuer's commentary is based on a comparison of a trip that he made to the cave 25 years ago in Thailand, in the current state

"There is water everywhere. It's very, very, very close. You have to cross narrow pbadages with a lot of water. This is not a normal way of diving. In addition, visibility is really bad. We must dive blind. Many things can go wrong. It could be a disaster "confirmed Aroush.

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