Thailand threatens to sentence tourists to make selfies – 07/04/2019


Aviation officials on the famous island of Phuket, in Thailand, They decided that they could apply the death penalty to tourists taking selfies on a beach., at the end of the runway of the airportbecause it can distract the pilots and the country's Penal Code considers that provoking these distractions is painful.

As elsewhere in the world, Instagram is changing the behavior of travelers and now, the beach that allows you to take a picture with a plane taking off has become a popular destination: There are mbades of people who will be photographed. But the airport bosses started to get angry at so many people and They decided to close this area for fear of an accident. The relationship between this possibility and the people who take pictures may be questionable, but that's what the local authorities think. What is serious is that Thai law states that distracting a pilot is what fantasy for airport officials that may occur, is punishable by death.

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Wichit Kaewsaithiam, director of Phuket International Airport, explained: "We want tourism and aviation to coexist", but that would not allow the risk to aviation.

Although the news circulated through Phuket, only the locals heard about it as tourists took the photos with the same diligence as usual. However, the second director of the airport, Vijit Keawsaitiam, said: "We will create a security zone that will be clbadified as strictly forbidden zone and that will prevent tourists from entering. Obviously, the use of drones and the targeting of laser pilots also result in the same maximum penalties. "The official was categorical and said that The death penalty is the maximum penalty imposed on pilots who distract with these devices.

Phuket is the largest island in Thailand, but airport authorities are annoyed by tourists. (AP)

Phuket is the largest island in Thailand, but airport authorities are annoyed by tourists. (AP)

Less severe penalties include a fine of up to 40,000 baht ($ 1,253.20) or a term of imprisonment of up to 20 years: "Under the 1978 Aviation Act 1978, the death penalty, life imprisonment or imprisonment of five to twenty years of imprisonment are punishable by anyone who does not comply with this regulation, "said the director of Phuket International Airport.

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Finally, he said that not only for the safety of pilots, but also for the tourists themselves: "People must stay away from the restricted area. We want to prevent any unknown object or material from harming people, or even that his hearing is damaged by the noise of the engines of the aircraft. "


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