the 10 provinces with the most delays in vaccine application


In the midst of the second wave of coronavirus and in full tension due to the vaccine shortage there is at least ten provinces which show serious delays in the vaccination campaign. These are neighborhoods that have received the corresponding doses according to the official scheme, but they cannot apply them with the speed that even Casa Rosada demanded.

According to data from the public vaccination monitor, which is updated daily and which depends on the Ministry of Health, the province with the most delays in the vaccination campaign is Misiones, ruled by Oscar Herrera Ahuad. Until this Thursday at 6 a.m., he had received 267,350 vaccines and applied 172,959. It contains 35.3% of unused vaccines.

The immunization monitor data is updated daily and, although the percentages may change over the days, it serves as a picture of the situation in which district.

Under the missions Chubut appears, the province governed by Mariano Arcioni which has been going through a political and economic crisis for months. He has 33.1% of the 157,956 doses he received without requesting. This week, it was even known that Chubut’s national deputy, Santiago Igón, 43, had been vaccinated irregularly. A reference from La Cámpora in this province, they assure that he was noted as “health personnel” to receive the first dose of Sputnik V.

Follow her closely Santiago del Estero, commissioned by Gerardo Zamora with 33% of vaccines received without request. The province has already received 216,805 doses and has applied only 145,157 at least until Thursday.

President Alberto Fernández at a vaccination center in Villa Dominico in the province of Buenos Aires.  Photo Luciano Thieberger.

President Alberto Fernández at a vaccination center in Villa Dominico in the province of Buenos Aires. Photo Luciano Thieberger.

Santa Cruz, ruled by Alicia Kirchner, is in the first peloton of the provinces with the most problems to vaccinate. Of the total doses he received, around 93,702, he still has to apply 32.9%. Requests are increasing in the province to speed up vaccination. Doctors and even education sectors have called for vaccines. This is not a minor fact, since province K has not had face-to-face classes for 16 months.

Arrears do not distinguish regions or political signs. There are provinces in the south, north and even the center of the country that have problems with vaccination. For example, for Between the rivers, the province managed by Gustavo Bordet, 32.7% of the 353,301 vaccines received have not yet been applied.

The slowness of the districts to be vaccinated contrasts with the official demands for greater speed. Even President Alberto Fernández himself assured on April 9, when he established the first restrictions as part of the second wave, that with the measures that included the closure of AMBA schools, vaccination efforts would be duplicated. “In mid-April, sufficient doses will come in to speed up the vaccination rate ”, argued the president at the time.

Beyond the fact that the distribution of doses is a task of the national government, vaccination campaigns remain in the hands of the districts. “There are provinces which are more efficient than others”, accepted by the government. “When we detect cases where vaccination can be improved, we try to gather proposals or the necessary knowledge,” they describe from Casa Rosada.

Currents, In the north of the country and ruled by the radical Gustavo Valdés, he has not yet applied 28.3% of the vaccines he has received. Below appears Catamarca, led by Peronist Raúl Jalil: he received 108,925 doses and still has to apply 26.6%.

Vaccination operation for the elderly in Catamarca.  Photo Provincial government.

Vaccination operation for the elderly in Catamarca. Photo Provincial government.

Chaco he also has trouble catching up with vaccinations. The province commanded by Jorge Capitanich has a stock of 71,711 vaccines without application, or 26.5% of the total of those received.

One of the city of Buenos Aires vaccination centers against Covid.

One of the city of Buenos Aires vaccination centers against Covid.

Jujuy and San Juan are also on the podium of the 10 provinces with the most delays. The one governed by the radical leader Gerardo Morales must apply 26.3% of the doses that have reached him. And to that led by Peronist Sergio Uñac 25.9% out of a total of 306,050 at least until Thursday at 5 am.

Unlike delays in the immunization schedule, there are other districts that have accelerated immunization. The city of Buenos Aires ruled by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta is the one with the best numbers. Of the total doses you received only 6.8% remains to be applied. La Pampa, commanded by Peronist Sergio Ziliotto, also arrives at a good pace. It remains to apply 9.7% of the vaccines arrived.

Even the province of Buenos Aires ruled by Axel Kicillof has good numbers. Of the total 4,057,304 vaccinations received, 18.8% are missing.


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