The 180,000 bees that live on Notre Dame's roof have been saved | Chronic


The 180,000 bees that live on the roof of Notre Dame Cathedral survived the fire last Monday.

As explained Nicolas Giant, responsible for the three hives of the sacristy located next to the employment, said: "The bees are alive, I had no news until this morning".

"Right after the fire, I looked at the images of the drones and saw that the hives were not burning, but there was no way of knowing if the bees had survived, now I know that There is activity, it is a big relief! "he commented.

"At first, I thought the three hives had been burned, I had no information, but then, I saw in the satellite images that it was not like that and the carrier word of the cathedral confirmed that they were in and out of their hives ", he added. Giant has received messages and calls from all over the world asking if Hymenoptera insects had died from flames.

"This species of European bee does not leave its hive (…) Carbon dioxide numbs them", says Giant, who hopes to see the bees again
"next week".

Each hive produces an average of 25 kilos of honey a year, sold to staff of Notre Dame, housed since 2013.


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