The 2020 holiday calendar was known


The government announced today the 2020 holiday, during which there will be three of the "bridges", to promote tourism, which will take place on March 23, July 10 and December 7. inactive, 11 will be irremovable.

By decree 7177/19 published in the Official Journal, the executive has formalized the calendar of holidays next year, during which the carnival will be held on Monday 2 and Tuesday 3 March.

The complete vacation schedule in 2020 has been designed as follows:

– January 1st: New Year

– March 2: Carnival

– March 3: carnival

– March 23rd: Puente feast

– March 24: National Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice

– April 2: Falklands War Veterans and Victims Day

– 10 April: Good Friday

– May 1st: Labor Day

May 25: May Revolution Day

– June 17: General Martín de Güemes' Pass Day

– June 20: General Manuel Belgrano's Pass Day

– July 9th: Independence Day

– July 10th: Puente Feast

– August 17: step towards the immortality of General José de San Martín

– October 12: Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity

– November 18: National Sovereignty Day

– December 7: Puente Holiday

– December 8: Immaculate Conception of Mary

– December 25: Christmas.


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