The 21 measures proposed by Pope Francis to put an end to abuses in the Church


"The holy people of God are watching us and do not expect simple and obvious condemnations, but concrete and effective measures." Concrete things are needed, said Pope Francis today at the Vatican, at the beginning of a historic event. pedophilia summit under his leadership.

The meeting entitled "The protection of minors in the Church" is celebrated until Sunday in the new clbadroom of the Synod. Presidents of Episcopal Conferences of the Catholic Church, Heads of Eastern Catholic Churches, representatives of the Union of Superiors General and the International Union of Superiors General, members of the Roman Curia and of the Council of Cardinals participate.

"May Mary enlighten us to seek to heal the serious wounds caused by the scandal of pedophilia both among children and believers," added the pontiff. Francisco asked the bishops "concretions" in the decision-making "against the plague of the badual abuses committed by men of the Church against minors".

"I thought of asking you, patriarchs, cardinals, archbishops, bishops, superiors and religious leaders, to listen to the Holy Spirit together and with docility, we listen to the cry of children who ask for justice", he declared. The pope also invited the religious to to transform "this evil into an opportunity for consciousness and purification".

The 5 heartrending testimonies at the Vatican summit on badual abuse

Pope Francis about 200 leaders of the Catholic Church around the world at the Vatican summit a guide containing guidelines to be followed against the pedophilia of priests. "It is an aid, I wanted to share with you some important criteria that have been formulated by the various Episcopal Commissions and Conferences.They come from you and I have organized them in a certain way," said the Pontiff. "They are a guide for our thinking, a starting point," he insisted.

This goes from the development of a "practical vademecum on the steps to follow" by the authorities, to "listening structures" for victims made up of specialized personnel; criteria for the involvement of the bishop or religious superior in the information of civil and ecclesiastical authorities.

From "establish specific protocols for accusations against bishops", a "accompany, protect and treat the victims, offering them all the support necessary for a complete recovery"; to "make the candidates to the priesthood and the consecrated life a psychological evaluation by qualified and accredited experts" up to "raise the minimum age of marriage to 16 years".

"Establish specific protocols for accusations against bishops" to "accompany, protect and care for victims, offering them all the support necessary for a complete recovery"

The Vatican said the concrete measures would be evaluated and taken after the summit closes on Sunday with a speech from the Pontiff and the Maltese Archbishop Charles Scicluna, one of the organizers of the summit, considers that the proposals are "a road map" and should serve as a motivation to start.

The following are some of the guidelines, many are already in effect in some countries and others not.

  • Prepare a practical vademecum in which the steps to be followed by the authority are specified at all the key moments of the appearance of a case.
  • Provide listening structures, composed of trained and expert people, where first discernment of cases of alleged victims takes place.
  • Establish criteria for the direct involvement of the bishop or religious superior.
  • Establish common procedures for the badysis of the charges, the protection of the victims and the accused's right of defense.
  • Inform civil authorities and high ecclesiastical authorities in accordance with civil and canonical norms.
  • Accompany, protect and care for the victims, offering them all the support they need for their complete healing.
  • Increase awareness of the causes and consequences of badual abuse through ongoing training initiatives of bishops, religious superiors, clergy and pastoral workers.
  • To prepare ways for the pastoral care of wounded communities, as well as ways of penance and recovery for the guilty.
  • Consolidate collaboration with all people of goodwill and the media to recognize and discern real cases of false accusations of slander, to avoid grudges and insinuations, rumors and defamation.
  • Raise the minimum age of marriage to 16 years.
  • Illustrate all information and data on the dangers of abuse and its effects, how to recognize the signs of abuse and how to report suspected badual abuse. This should be done in collaboration with parents, teachers, professionals and civil authorities.
  • Where this has not yet been done, it is necessary to create an easily accessible body for victims who wish to report crimes. Organization composed of experts (clergy and laity).



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