The 35 types of UFOs known to date | the Chronicle


As the days go by, Sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) continue to increase around the world. It is clear to say that during the confinements in front of the Coronavirus pandemic sightings warnings increased and descriptions of what was seen or captured were very varied.

And in this context, both ordinary people and ufologists, they do not doubt that aliens have already visited Earth for a long time and that several important international organizations know the truth, but do not want to reveal it for fear of humanity’s reaction to such information.

People who come to visualize UFOs show them in their own way of seeing and although several descriptions coincide, on other occasions they do not, so this implies that There are several models of ships, or they are of various destinations.

In front of these versions, it was possible to describe what the ships looked like and to give them names to identify them, according to their typology. The lists are numerous: in this case we will be based on the one made by Bruce Sterling, science fiction novelist, but also a serious follower of the UFO phenomenon, several are images and names that can be seen of ships described by those who have reported sightings.

The devices that appear in this list tell observations until 1967. The format of the ships varies, to such an extent that some have the shape of bells, pyramids, diamonds or almost spinning tops. Others look like ice cream cones, cylinders or cigarettes, crosses and, of course, flying saucers.

Bruce Sterling has created a list of types of UFOs.

UFOs for all tastes

The list of UFOs and their different formats is long, and they are: “Adamski type“, model which has the shape of a ceiling suspension, that is to say that its lower part is flat and above it looks like a bell.

the “flying saucer type” It is flared, but much flatter in shape and with edges that protrude from the center. The type “Antique saucer “ It’s the same as the previous one but has a peak at the top as if it could be sustained from there. The “photographed”, “1947”, “dome shape”, “medium”, “saucer type”, “photographed in Korea”, are other of the many models which vary in every detail which could be defined as a pair of plates joined by their edges. Some change the format of their dome, others along their base, but all retain a pattern as essence that identifies them.

There is another group of UFOs which retains a part similar to dome formats but has a characteristic that identifies them as unique, namely that their base is not flat but is wider, so that they end up being larger ships. Some of them are known with names of: “new type photographed”, “trinity”, “saturn” (this model is what if it were two unit covers and a ring comes off in the middle “, “that of New Mexico” and “disc shape”.

A third group that is already starting to stand out by being so different from the others, It has eight different models which also vary between them. The first known is shaped like a missile, another has taken on the appearance of a rugby ball, and others have been identified as airplanes, albeit without their turbine and tail characteristics.

Already in a last group the format of UFOs its formats are both very varied and striking and the least seen, according to sighting records in different countries and years.

No variant

In recent years, the sighting of new vessels was not such, since no new varieties were observed to those named or already pre-established with a specific name, but it is true that the most seen models are those related to the shapes of bells.

Months before the start of the pandemic Covid and containment measures around the world, the observations that had been recorded concerned objects that had rather triangular or even spherical ball structures.

Remember that one of the Images published on sighting of triangular-shaped UFO by US force have been validated by the Pentagon as true and not created by anyone.

This type of objects started to be seen in this way in the northern hemisphere in recent times, while in the case of spherical shaped objects, they could be detected more in the southern hemisphere, mainly in places close to water bodies, as was the case in Uruguay in 2020.

In addition, it is still believed that there are many other objects without being able to define their shape due to the speed at which they appear or because there is no physical evidence to show its existence.

The Pentagon has confirmed the veracity of a UFO captured by the US Air Force.


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