The 5 essential books that Bill Gates recommended for 2021


Books recommended by Bill Gates (Photo and video: Gates Notes)

He boasts of being an avid reader and that’s why twice a year, when summer begins in the Northern Hemisphere and in December, Bill Gates shares a list of 5 books that you recommend, which seem important, relevant, essential.

“When I finish a book and decide what to read next, there is usually not always a rhyme or reason for what I choose. Sometimes I read a good book and I am inspired to read several others on the same subject. Other times I can’t wait to follow the recommendation of someone I respectThe philanthropist explained in an article on his blog, Gates Notes.

Then he explained why he is so focused on environmental issues. “Lately, however, I find myself searching for books on the complicated relationship between humanity and nature. Maybe it’s because everyone’s life has been altered by a virus. Or maybe it’s because I’ve spent a lot of time this year talking about what we need to do to prevent a climate catastrophe, ”he said.

Gates noted that most of the books on his summer list deal with what happens “when people come into conflict with the world around them.”

Here is the list of five books recommended by Bill Gates.

Lights Out: Pride, Illusion, and the Fall of General Electricby Thomas Gryta and Ted Mann

The book studies the failure of what was once a big business. It offers a lot to learn for all those who serve as leaders, whether in a company or any other organization, focusing on the mistakes made by the leaders of General Electric.

“If you have some kind of leadership role, whether it’s in a business, nonprofit, or whatever, you can learn a lot,” the mogul recommended.

Under a white sky: the nature of the future, by Elizabeth Kolbert

Pulitzer Prize winner Elizabeth Kolbert describes her latest work as “a book about how people try to solve problems caused by people trying to solve problems.” He details a number of ways humanity intervenes in nature, including gene editing and geoengineering, two topics Gates finds particularly interesting.

A promised landby Barack Obama

“I am almost always interested in books on American presidents and A promised land I especially liked it, ”Gates wrote. The former president’s memoir covers the early days of his political career until he left the White House. “I think it’s a powerful book that helps you take a peek inside great leadership,” says the billionaire.

The story, by Richard Powers

For Gates, this is one of the most unusual novels he has read in years. The play follows the lives of nine people and examines their connection to trees. “Although the book offers a somewhat extreme view of the need to protect forests, I was touched by each character’s passion for their cause and ended up reading it with a desire to learn more about trees, ”Gates said.

An elegant defense: the extraordinary new science of the immune system, a story in four lives, by Matt Richtel

Although the book was written before the pandemic, his research on the human immune system is “valuable reading that helps understand what is needed to curb COVID-19,” Gates said. The Pulitzer Prize keeps the topic accessible by focusing on four patients, each of whom must manage their immune system in some way. “Their stories offer a very interesting look at the science of immunity,” concluded the founder of Microsoft.


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