The 5 points that the Province denies because of the controversy of the Chinese base of Neuquén


The New York Times note on the Chinese base puts the station installed at Quintuco, near Las Lajas, at the center of the controversy

. the use that is given to the base, warning against possible use for espionage purposes, and China's intentions to position itself in Latin America since "the technology with which the station has to many strategic uses ".

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This is not the first time that we have been posing questions about the Chinese installation. pointed out that this possible dual use of equipment and the geopolitical benefit that it entails for the Asian country. To this idea was added the reactivation of an American base on the plateau of the city of Neuquén, whose retractors took as an answer of the Americans to the global positioning.

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However, the provincial government representatives rejected rennet that the station had another purpose , beyond spatial surveillance. The Secretary for Modernization of Public Management, Rodolfo Laffitte, said that "there is nothing hidden in the Chinese space station, the New York Times article is a big lie. and we will have to ask them why they want to confuse the public ". 19659002] It may interest you The Province denies suspicion on the Chinese basis Neuquén

In this sense, the Province they extend five points in which it responds to the publication: [19659011]] 1) This is not a base . It is a communication station with a deep space. It is an earth station that monitors Chinese space missions on the moon, allowing full circumferential coverage and visibility of the exploratory ship for control and surveillance. His first participation in the control of a mission took place in May 2018.

2) There were no secret negotiations. From the moment the National Commission for Space Activities (CONAE) and the General Control of China Satellites (CTLC) made contact with the Government of the Province of Neuquén in May 2010, the information was always public and all signed agreements were signed. they corresponded.

3) Land surrender was not to the Chinese. The land was transferred under the land code of the province of Neuquén to CONAE, which surveyed and the procedure before the land registry of the province of Neuquén. CONAE, Argentine State Agency, has made the property available to the Chino de la Luna Exploratory Plan, by participating in the use of the Station and the information collected by Chinese space missions

4 ) The works were checked. ] CLTC presented the construction project for the station and obtained all the corresponding permits. The undersecretary of Lands of the Province of Neuquén approved the start of works, carried out inspections and approved the completion of the works. The Under Secretary of Labor controlled all aspects of the work of the workers and the personnel badigned to the work. It is in the public domain that UOCRA has been constantly attentive to the working conditions of ESUCO workers, a subcontractor of CHEC, the company that performed the work.

5) It is not certain that the Station could not be visited. . During the course of the work of many politicians, officials and journalists could access it, there is information published about it. The resort has a room for visitors, which shows how is the exploration of space, which will also be provided with information from the province of Neuquén. During the last winter holidays, students from Las Lajas schools were going to visit the resort, which could not be explained due to storms and power problems that occurred. throughout the central region of the province.


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