The accused of the murder of Olivares and Yadón admitted to using the weapon, but said he did not remember the attack.


Juan José Navarro Cádiz, the young man accused of being the shooter who killed to MP Héctor Olivares and his adviser Miguel Yadón around the Congress, admitted this Wednesday afternoon to justice have handled a weapon in the car where he was with his cousin. However, he said that he does not remember what happened when the shots were fired and that he was aware again when he was arrested in Uruguay.

Aged 25, he presents for the first time his version of the facts before the judge Mariano Iturralde and prosecutor Estela Andrades. Indeed, on Saturday afternoon, after being extradited from Uruguay, he refused to testify.

Accompanied by his lawyer, Ramón Arigós, Navarro Cádiz first heard the accusation against him "aggravated double homicide betrayal and for the pleasure and possession of a weapon of war ", and then recounted what he did with his cousin, Juan Jesús Fernández, at dawn on May 9th.

The accused stated that he met his cousin that night and that he had climbed into the car – the Volkswagen Vento that we see in the video of the attack – and that he had taken a lot He also used cocaine, something that he did "every day".

Navarro Cádiz stated that there was a gun inside the vehicle and he acknowledged that he and his cousin had "handled" him, that "they pbaded" one to the other, "They revised it" and "they armed and disarmed it".

The alleged gunman said that after the detonations, he did not know who had shot and that he no longer remembered what had happened until that woke up in Montevideo when he was arrested. "The weapon is not mine," Navarro Cádiz told the judge and the prosecutor, noting that before that, he had never had any problems with whoever it was. and he also denied knowing the two victims.

The day began with the statement of Fernández, aka "Mohamed", who He confirmed that his cousin Juan Jose was the author of the shooting, He insisted that there was no third occupant in the car and acknowledged that he had already seen the alleged gunman and his father armed.

In his third statement, Fernandez kept his words and again explained that his cousin had taken the pistol out of nowhere and started shooting through the window. The new thing to which he contributed is that he has badured that the Navarros had weapons and used them for example, when filming on highways, he saw him again with a firearm for his cousin and he knew that his uncle had one at home.

For his part, Miguel Navarro Fernández denied having been inside the car at the time the shots were fired, said that his nephew had looked for him in this vehicle afterwards and that the human silhouettes with impacts found on the wall of your house They are drawings of their grandchildren who were hit with a hammer.

Although the investigators initially believed that the father of the alleged gunman was in the car at the time of the shooting, videos now confirm that Miguel Navarro went in search of his nephew after the fact, as it appears from A camera from the Central Police Department. this remains in the corner of Viceroy Cevallos' house and has registered Vento's step after the fact and before arriving at the garage.

Twelve days after the start of the investigation, Judge Iturralde and Prosecutor Andrades have yet to find any ground or evidence linking the victims to the seven accused. They do not therefore exclude that it is a matter of double crime "absurd and meaningless" from new data and from some of the findings that have emerged in recent days and from the profiles we were beginning to draw on inmates.

Juan José Navarro Cádiz has been transferred from Uruguay to Argentina. (Source: NA)
Juan José Navarro Cádiz has been transferred from Uruguay to Argentina. (Source: NA)

"It's a possibility that have gone to the square to try this sophisticated weapon with laser aiming and, although it sounds crazy, they randomly chose as a moving target the deputy and his advisor to kill just for fun, "he said. Telam a source of the case.

This is why the judge added the aggravating circumstance of "homicide for pleasure", figure referred to in Article 4. Article 80 of the Criminal Code is rare, but has for example was used in 2006 to prosecute the so-called "Belgrano serial shooter", Martín Ríos, later declared unjust at the end of two lawsuits.


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