"The accusing finger is back": Macri warned of the possible return of Kirchnerism


In the presidential debate, Mauricio Macri warned the "accusing finger" to warn against the possible effects of the return of Kirchnerism to power: "The accusing finger came back, the lectern came back, the canchereada came back. Has not changed, hide or try to show us something different, it's the same, we know we have problems, but bringing back the problems of the past will not help us. have another culture of power: we have modernized Argentina, we have built infrastructure for the future, we have improved education, we are fighting against drug trafficking, we have returned to the If we could do all this … how can we not repair the economy? But three and a half years, almost four years, there is only a very short time to redress decades of bad policies, it is to us, I am convinced that we can: it's worth it, this historic October must find us turning history forever. to all".


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