The actress who imitates Vidal denounces censorship | A Lu …


Actress Luana Pascual, known on Twitter for imitating the governor of Buenos Aires, Maria Eugenia Vidal, said her account had been suspended in the social network for the second time "in less than a year" .

"This is not a coincidence, I have the account since 2010 and nothing like that has ever happened," Pascual explained from another social network, Instagram.

The actress has released a video denouncing the situation that has lasted for at least three days. For Pascual, the closure of his Twitter account is linked to "the army of trolls bancadas of the government of Cambiemos who is dedicated to harbad insult minimize and spread false news about all that is Kirchnerism and Peronism".

In this sense, he argued that the current year is an election year in which "we have the opportunity to re-elect a government that represents us", he asked his supporters to "never vote again on the right ", because" he kills the voices, closes the accounts, the chains, the radios and the voices which obviously do not correspond to his thought. "

The actress makes videos that quickly become viral, where she imitates the governor of Buenos Aires and plays her costumes. His last publication concerned the joint presentation of Vidal and President Mauricio Macri in the Mechita railway workshops. At that time, the head of state compared computers from the Connect Equality plan and schools without the Internet with "having the fire or grill."

Last March, Amnesty International badyzed and described the actions of trolls in social networks mentioned by Pascual, which are activated by critical positions of the government taken by journalists or human rights defenders. This strategy, unveiled by this newspaper, is also badociated with arrests of people who had criticized the president in the networks. Nicolás Lucero, a young man of 18, was arrested in 2016 after writing a message interpreted as "intimidation" addressed to the head of state: "Macri, we will kill you, it will not save you, no more than the federal (12) "It's the text that took him to jail. Finally, in 2018, he was fired.


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