The adjustment forces to take accounts in the province


By Maxi Pérez (@perezmaxi), Correspondent of NOVA to the Government and the Legislature

Last week brought only bad news for the management of Maria Eugenia Vidal many of whom also represent bad news for the intendants of all political signs and therefore for the 16 million inhabitants of the province of Buenos Aires, since the state porteño will have to make an important adjustment to comply with the IMF.

With the focus in public works and the control of utility companies, Vidal has managed to significantly reduce the amounts that his government will have to cut, which will allow it to mitigate the negative effects of the crisis in the image of the government, which for a few months recorded a slow but steady decline in time, turning on the alarm lights in the decision.

Is the territorial negotiations of the executive, on all or with the communal leaders of the opposition, they need continuity of work, since in most cases it was the promise of the government envoys who negotiated the conditions for dialogue and rapprochement with Cambiemos.

initial figures projected close to 50 billion pesos, which the governor managed to reduce to less than half, highlighting the strategic nature of the province to maintain governance and especially the chances of reelection of the president Mauricio Macri as the first option, or at least the continuity of the government of Cambiemos, perhaps in the hands of Vidal, if the president fails to overcome his image.

Among the opposition's governors had raised an objection to the variables that were brought into play to propose the adjustment and demanded that Buenos Aires and CABA support the utility companies in the metropolitan area has an idea that has not echoed the national government, but that has allowed the porteño executive to align with some of the opposition to defend the interests of the province, in a fragile balance.

What was not part of the plan, nor of the negotiation is that the scandal of insane contributors takes the relevance that it had this week beyond the systematic ninguneo of the mainstream media, which are now only in including the subject in their diary.

The international dimension that I am collecting the case this week has sped up the times and forced the representatives of the executive to come out to give answers and take action, which in the case of Vidal also aimed to to mark the differences in the face of a political crisis.

The exit that did not calm the waters

The storm that the president has named in dozens of opportunities during his press conference, for the or the Government of the province, it seems that is also developing at sea, namely the water can take the time to calm down after the end of the storm.

The displacement of María Fernanda Inza should work as an escape valve and as an example of Vidal's initiative not to delay conflicts, however, the mutiny of the councilors of the outgoing official at the General Accounting Office and the information disseminated in the national media on "the order" of Macri to go ahead with the resignation application, stripped the lack of autonomy of the governor.

Now, the eyes are on marriage that links national and provincial efforts, which could be a central element in the investigation conducted by the federal judge ] Sebastián Casanello . It is that the first lists of affiliates and contributors seem to have been provided by the Department of Social Development who is in charge of Carolina Stanley Federico Salvai's wife cabinet director of the province of Buenos Aires and the political leader of the territorial armed group of the government.

"We will present all the documentation in justice and we will order an audit," was the explanation of the governor, supported a few hours later by the president, but this failed to convince even theirs, that in several districts they threaten to break Change if there is no satisfactory explanation.

To add insult to injury to the General Accounting Office, now he goes away, the magnitude of the tension moving or ratification of the team of Inza advisers and the position of workers who demand an orderly exit. In addition, as the Legal and Technical Secretariat is also vacant, Vidal will have to appoint two key officials in the coming days and while the storm continues.

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