"The Aedes Aegypti Infestation Rate Significantly Decreased in Oran"


The struggle against the mosquito continues, and for this the working team of the Center for Tropical Diseases of Oran provides all the necessary resources to prevent the disease. Emergence of diseases Tropical species transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti and its proliferation

The team work of the Secretariat of the Sustainable Environment by the Licensor Carmen Olivera, with the Director of Vectors, Epidemiological wardes of Operational Zone 11 of Oran Hospital, and Dr. José Gil del Conicet works steadily and has managed to significantly reduce the rate of infestation by mosquitoes. Operators are constantly trained to carry out effective prevention and awareness work in neighborhoods.

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On this occasion the Director General of the Epidemiological Coordination of Prov. Griselda Rangeón, who met the Mayor Dr. Marcelo Lara Gros and Chief of Staff C.P.N. Sebastián Gottero for to combine criteria with regard to the work that has been done in Oran with respect to tropical diseases.

Then he gave a press conference and later moved to the Casa del Bicentenario For the staff of the Center for Tropical Diseases and all the health workers inside the department of Oran, the topic was the implementation of the strategy of the read, which consists of the rapid elimination of larvae.

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