The alarm did not sound and they recorded "in fraganti" for his cat when he turned it off


In recent days, a girl from the Brazilian city of São Paulo has noticed that the alarm clock of your mobile phone It did not seem like enough or did not activate at the scheduled time. He had already arrived several times late at work and had commented on the problem with his partner. There was a hint and in between they found that it was totally true: the culprit was his nasty cat.

The "crime" test was recorded and the video became viral after being shared by one of the girls. As these pets usually do, the cat walks around the room, between furniture and furniture, and just happens where the cell phone was. As that sounded, he began desperately to touch the screen with one of his legs.

The exact moment when Joaquim turns off the alarm. (Photo: ViralHog Youtube video capture)
The exact moment when Joaquim turns off the alarm. (Photo: ViralHog Youtube video capture)

This is the scene that they recorded on July 27th. In the sequence, it is clear that Joaquim, like the pet call, runs directly on the cell phone that starts ringing. The fearless animal jumps to the bedside table then touch the screen from the smartphone until it emits no more sound.

Far from disturbing, the women celebrate laughing evil little Joaquim.


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