The aliens will visit Earth this Saturday, according to a 50-year-old prophecy


As expected Chico XavierAs it was well known, space visitors will put humanity to the test. In addition, they intend to live integrated and at peace.

Why does Chico Xavier say 50 years ago so important? It turns out that the Brazilian prophet was the same who predicted the coming of man on the moon in 1969.



The complete prophecy of Chico Xavier

"Our Lord decided to grant a 50-year moratorium to the land society begun in July 1969 and ending in July 2019. Jesus ordered his heavenly emissaries to engage more directly in the maintenance of peace between peoples and earthly nations, to collaborate so that we can more quickly enter the planetary community of the solar system, as a more regenerated world, at the end of this period.

Some angelic powers from other orbs of our solar system feared the delay of the additional term. It was then that Jesus, in his wisdom, resolved to create a condition for the men and nations of the vanguard of the earth.

According to the imposition of Christ, the most developed and most responsible nations of the Earth should learn to support each other, respecting the differences of each other, by refraining from launching a nuclear war. 39; extermination. The face of the Earth should avoid at all costs the so-called third world war.

According to the deliberations of Christ, if and only if the earthly nations learn the art of good coexistence and fraternity by avoiding a war of nuclear destruction, the earthly world would finally be admitted into the planetary community of the solar system as a whole. that world in regeneration ".


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