The alleged perpetrators of the viral monoliths have emerged – News


The creators offered to make more monoliths in exchange for $ 45,000.

As the group took credit for the artistic works people saw US states of Utah, California and Romania, in the latter case, the owners have not shown it on their social networks.

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This led his followers to inquire about him, to which Matty Mo, founder of the group, replied that the site does not allow uploading more than three images.

Everything shows that the group wanted to make people believe that these objects were of extraterrestrial origin. In one of the shows they showed how the monoliths were put together and published the picture with the magazine “” Are you saying they weren’t aliens? “.

“The most famous artist” stated that there is a fourth such structure located near the Joshua Tree National Park, California.

About these performances, Mo says “What better way to end this fucking year than to let the world briefly think that aliens had contacted us and then be disappointed that it was nothing more than new action from The most famous artist“.

Although the details offered by the artists did not completely resolve the uncertainties and reasons for these sculptures, Mo clarified that he cannot give more details at this time due to legal agreements. However, he promised to provide more information soon.


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