The Amazon burns: 400 Argentine volunteer firefighters volunteered to fight fires


The National Voluntary Fire Prevention System is "on yellow alert" for fires in the Amazon and said they have already made available 360 ​​members of the team to join the operation in Brazil. For now, they confirmed that next week 20 of them will travel of Cordoba and Santa Fe.

According to Gustavo Nicola, Head of the Operations Coordination Unit (CUO), the relief request was submitted by the Ministry of National Security's Ministry of National Security in each province and this "minute by minute" list Volunteer firefighters collaborate "is increased".

This week, a group of 20 brigades from Córdoba and Santa Fe will travel to collaborate on operations in the Amazon. (Photo: EFE / Victor Moriyama / Greenpeace)
This week, a group of 20 brigades from Córdoba and Santa Fe will travel to collaborate on operations in the Amazon. (Photo: EFE / Victor Moriyama / Greenpeace)

"They come from all over the country, mainly from the provinces of Córdoba, Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Mendoza and Tucumán. I think we will exceed 400", He said. In this first step, from Patricia Bullrich's portfolio, they only requested the collaboration of 20 brigade members.

"The people summoned have experience in forest fires. Everyone is trained and trained to fight this type of fire, "said Nicola. In turn, he said that they still did not know the day of their departure or which part of Brazil they would visit.

According to the National Space Research Institute, 1,663 outbreaks were reported in Brazil between Thursday and Friday. (Photo: EFE / Joedson Alves)
According to the National Space Research Institute, 1,663 outbreaks were reported in Brazil between Thursday and Friday. (Photo: EFE / Joedson Alves)

"Fate still does not know. We will travel between tomorrow (Monday) and last. We prepare the documentation for each firefighter. Today, they have been vaccinated against rubella, hepatitis, tetanus and yellow fever, which are rigorous vaccines for traveling, "said the chief of the CUO.

Asked about the conditions in which they will be in the Amazon, Nicola was cautious and emphasized the professionalism and experience of all the volunteer firefighters participating in the investigation. "The weather can be a little complicated because it's hot, high temperaturesbut everyone has experience. We are aware of it and do not send anyone to die, "he said.

It's the disaster area as the fire multiplies

This Sunday, Brazil has deployed two Hercules C-130 aircraft as part of a mbadive military operation to extinguish fires that devour part of the Amazon, new protests are being announced against President Jair Bolsonaro for his handling of the worst fires in recent years.

Between Friday and Saturday, 1,130 new fires were reported, according to the National Institute of Space Research (INPE) of Brazil. Most occur in the Amazon basin.

Heavy smoke covered the city of Porto Velho, in Rondonia State (northwest), where the Defense Ministry said the planes had started pouring thousands of gallons of water on the flames, the number has increased in recent hours.

The flames razed border areas with Bolivia and have already caused dense smoke that increases pollution across the Amazon, a threatened ecological treasure of 5.5 million square kilometers.


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