The ambassador of Argentina to Chile denied Faurie and denied the existence of a "Bolivarian hurricane"


The ambassador of Argentina to Chile, José Octavio Bordón, separated from the position of spokesman of the Argentine government and different from the Chancellor Jorge Faurie, who attributed the protests in Chile to "a Bolivarian hurricane".

"I do not think the protests are organized by an international conspiracy. I believe that Maduro does not have the ability to influence the region, but that they may be related to violent minorities. I do not exclude"Said the official in dialogue with Discover the radio.

He also said that "since the curfew has ended, traffic is normal" and said: "We are slowly returning to normal. There are peaceful demonstrations of people who do not want to overthrow anyone, but what they want are changes. "

In this sense, he said: "This country has improved since the establishment of democracy, but society today has other needs" and he noted that "the claims already existed before but separately".

Before the violent repression, Bordón said that "hThere is a legal repression, because if you destroy and steal the security forces, they can not sit down"And stressed that" we must see if the excess of repression may be the responsibility of the officials who acted. "

"We must see if there have been wrong and illegal actions, but state agencies will have to investigate", He said.

In addition, the diplomat replied that "nor there is a war, President Piñera himself was an expression he used to face his concerns"And whipped: "To say that inequality in Chile began 30 years ago is irresponsible. Who said that it smacked of pinochetism even if someone on the left was saying it? "


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