The ambassador of Argentina who applauded the army of …


The Argentine ambbadador to Haiti, Pedro von Eyken, spoke on his Twitter account the anniversary of the creation of the Argentine army. He did it with a dark badociation to remember a force that "has experienced many more illustrious but controversial moments": He alluded to his military father at the Nazi Alemani: "As a son of a German officer of the Second World War, I salute the army of his time, "wrote the diplomat.

So, in the same tweet, the ambbadador mentioned José de San Martín and the Nazi army. Von Eyken is a controversial figure in Argentine diplomacy and his tweeting would not have gone unnoticed at the San Martin Palace. In November 2015, he published an open letter in which he questioned outgoing President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Chancellor Héctor Timerman.

In this letter, he criticized the policy of appointing positions in embbadies and consulates, which he described as "arbitrary". This text has no history in the history of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Von Eyken entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1979 under a dictatorship, and went through Cuba and Finland, among other diplomatic destinations. His tweet glorifying the Third Reich army was inscribed in a TW thread in which he also recalled the anniversary of the abduction of Pedro Eugenio Aramburu and alluded to the theory of the two demons to refer to the violence of the 70s.


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