The answer of the largest Brazilian newspaper to the censorship of a gay magazine


The mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Marcelo Crivella, ordered that the copies of the comic book "Avengers, the children's crusade" be removed from the book Biennial, because "it brings badual content for minors", according to the official himself. After having generated the opposite effect to the one expected (the publication had record sales and all kinds of cultural events against the mayor), justice has been pronounced in favor of the freedom of the Biennale to distribute this material. and Brazil's large-circulation newspaper, Folha de São Paulo, showed as the only cover image the cartoon characters in full gay kissing.

The Kiss of Wiccan and Hulkling, characters from the Marvel comic book "Avengers, The Children's Crusade", was exhibited alongside thousands of other copies at the "Bienal do Livro" of Rio de Janeiro, up to # Mayor Crivella ordered copies of this comic strip because it is considered "inappropriate" for children.

The measure triggered the most diverse manifestations. The hashtag #LeiaComOrgulho (read with pride) has invaded Instagram, the comics are out of print and Youtuber, Felipe Neto, has given 14,000 books on LGBTs with the stamp "this book is inappropriate for people who are backward, backward and who have prejudices. " As early as the Biennale, they said it was a "plural" sample that gives "the floor to all the public, without distinction, as it should be a democracy".

Justice has decided that the government of Rio de Janeiro should "refrain from confiscating works based on their content, especially those dealing with homotranbaduality", and mayor Crivella (former evangelical bishop) claimed that his decision was only to "defend the family." This question must be treated as a family, it can not be induced, whether at school, in book publishing, wherever it is ".

To integrate

Pessoal, we must protect our children. Therefore, we determine that the organizers of the biennale recolhessem os livros with printable content for minors. It is not true that they quickly had access to badumptions that they do not agree with their entities.

– Marcelo Crivella (@MCrivella) September 5, 2019

The truth is that the newspaper Folha do São Paulo replied by the title: "Crivella tries to censor a gay kiss, but justice forbidden". The big cover image is the kiss of Wiccan Wizard and Hulkling Warrior.


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