The "anti-Francisco conspiracy" is present at the summit in Vatican – 21/02/2019


Destroyed by the great scandal of badual abuse committed by religious and the strengthening of the Argentine pope at the historic summit of bishops against badual abuse by religious, two leaders of the ultra-right conspiracy who wants to bring down Jorge Bergoglio of the throne of San Pedro reacted with a statement in which they claim that "The church is drifting" and that the true most serious problem of the Church is "facing homobaduality".

The summit that opened Thursday at the Vatican and the expulsion of the church from former US Cardinal Theodore McCarry, announced last Saturday, have slowed down the dynamics of the plot.

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Cardinals Raymond Burke of the United States and Walter Brandmueller of Germany sworn enemies of Franciscoaccused of heresy and being dissolved in dangerously anti-capitalist positions, they signed a declaration addressed to the cardinals and bishops present in Rome who take part in the summit. In a tone of reproach, they attack the pope "to be distanced from the truth of the Gospel".

"This distancing of the biblical message is real," said Cardinal Brandmueller.

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After attacking the pope for more than a year because of the multiplication of scandals caused in the world, but especially in the United States, by pedophile priests, the far-right plot has turned to the issue of homobaduality. The two cardinals who lead the anti-Francisco plot with others are now putting the spotlight on "the plague of homobaduality prevalent in the Church", claiming that they claim that the pope under -valued.

The argument has lost its effectiveness after the expulsion of the church of the former Cardinal McCarrick by Francisco. The former Archbishop of Washington practiced homobaduality for decades, with seminarians and young priests, and was expelled for badually badaulting teens. A cardinal reduced to the state of laity does not have registration, we remember it.

With the Church subject to Unprecedented tension in cases of badual abuse of officeIn the United States in particular, the conspirators are struggling to convince bishops and cardinals that the most urgent thing now is to fight "the remoteness of the truth from the Gospel". But Cardinal Brandmumueller says that the summit of these days in the Vatican will not help anything because the available time "is very short".

Vatican correspondent



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