The anti-vaccine reference that said the virus did not exist and died from covid | He led the fake new campaign in the networks


An entrepreneur who has become one of the references anti-vaccine and a prominent figure in denial marketing in the United States has died at the age of 55 from the coronavirus. It’s about Italian Marco from Veglia, who contracted the virus two weeks ago and who even before being seriously hospitalized claimed that the pandemic was “a conspiracy of pharmaceutical companies”.

From Veglia I lived in Miami and he was an expert in corporate marketing, a profession he used for his campaign against the Covid-19 vaccination. And his death was announced by his friends via social networks in which he had published that “the virus is a lie”.

Uno de sus amigos que anunció el fallecimiento, Stefano Versace, empresario también in Miami, escribió in Facebook: “Es fácil señalar a un hombre que ha elegido no vacunarse y luego muere de Covid”, y pidió “no apuntar con el dedo” a the victim.

“It would be harder to ask how a smart person, a great professional, ends up falling victim to a continuous stream of fake news which invites him not to protect his health, ”he reflected.

The De Veglia contagion occurred about two weeks ago. At first he got off to a smooth start, which seemed to confirm the businessman’s position that it was just normal flu. Then he suffered a sudden deterioration of the infection and was admitted to the intensive care unit of a Miami hospital.

On social media, he also wrote: “If you die of a heart attack it’s from Covid, if you die from the vaccine it’s a heart attack”. He had also discredited vaccines in his books “Zero Competitors” and “Branding Formula”, which he supplemented with his advice with Italian companies to enter the American market.

To be consistent with his position, he has never received a vaccine or taken any precautionary measures to avoid the contagion that reached him. He was married and had a son.


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