The appearance of an awesome and terrifying fish alert tourists – 21/03/2019


Australian fishermen confirmed the appearance of an enormous marine species stranded on a beach near the mouth of the Murray River, South of Australia. The discovery occurred on weekends. The biologists were surprised by the strange creature that they called "Moon fish" (Mola Tecta).

Dazzled, they said that few times in history have found this type of species. A few weeks ago, another apparition took place on a beach in Santa Barbara, California. The striking discovery is now the subject of an investigation.

The animal measures more than a few meters and weighs more than a car. The researchers indicated that they initially thought it was a similar and more widespread species of sunfish until a group of experts studied and a redfish.

The fish measures more than two meters and weighs more than one car. In the picture, with the fishermen who found it.

The fish measures more than two meters and weighs more than one car. In the picture, with the fishermen who found it.

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It is not surprising that the fish caught the attention of fishermen who published photos of the discovery in Facebook. At first they even thought it was wrong, according to the social network. South Australian Museum Fish Harvesting Director Ralph Foster told ABC Australia that the discovery of this species in the country's waters was rather rare.

In English, the sunfish is called sunfish, but not because of its shape. As Foster said in the same medium, the reason is that these fish come to the surface and lie on their sides, as if they were sunbathing. When they are warm enough, they dive to several hundred meters and feed on jellyfish and other creatures from the depths.

Another sunfish was discovered earlier this month in Santa Barbara, California.

Another sunfish was discovered earlier this month in Santa Barbara, California.

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According to specialists, the etymology of the species to which this strange creature belongs (Mola Tecta) comes from the Latin tectus, which means "disguised" or "hidden", since for nearly three centuries this fish to go unnoticed by the scientific community.

Nobody knows if this lonely fish has been removed from its natural habitat or is part of a population that has not yet been discovered.



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