The application with which Facebook will pay you in exchange for your information


Economic compensation in exchange for information.

This is what Facebook offers through its new application, "Study from Facebook", through which it will pay its users in exchange for information on how they use other applications.

The goal, according to the social network, is to do a market badysis to create better products for its users.

What does Facebook want to know?

Through "Study from Facebook", the social network wants to know, roughly:

Which apps the user has installed

How much time do you spend using these apps

Country of the user, type of device and network

The activity names of the applications used

All information will be managed by Applause, a Facebook partner company that will also be responsible for technical support and financial compensation of participants, which has not been specified.

In addition, the social network has specified that "Study from Facebook" does not collect user ID, pbadwords or other content, such as photos, videos or messages.

"We do not sell the information about the application to third parties, nor use it to run ads, they are not added to a participant's Facebook account if they have one." added the social network.

In 2018, Facebook was involved in a big controversy when it learned that data from 50 million of its users had been collected and sold to political consultant Cambridge Analytica for electoral purposes.

And they continued to reveal errors in the privacy of the social network, which led the company to a fine of up to US $ 5,000 million from the US Federal Trade Commission.

How can you participate?

Facebook will publish a series of ads on the app to encourage users to participate.

When a user clicks on an ad, he will have the option to register, after which the platform badesses whether it meets the required characteristics.

If you qualify, you will be prompted to download the application you find in the Google Play Store.

Once registered in the application, the user must confirm that he wishes to participate.

Who can participate?

Only people over 18 years old will be eligible.

Initially, "Study from Facebook" will first be available to Android users in the United States and India and will soon be available for download in other countries.

All users who decide to participate may choose not to continue to do so, said the social network.

In February, Facebook had to remove Facebook Research and Onavo applications, also used for market research, to collect data on minors.

"We learned that what people are waiting to sign up for to participate in a market study has changed and we have created this app to meet those expectations," Facebook said in its release.

"We offer transparency, we will compensate all participants and we will keep the information of people safe."


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