“The Argentine army in the streets to keep people at home”, irony of Bolsonaro


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has spoken on social networks about the measures announced last night by his Argentinian counterpart Alberto Fernández and which will govern from the first minute of today, which tend to lower night traffic and availability of face-to-face suspension. Classes.

The President of Brazil used irony to talk about the new restrictions in our country and on Twitter he wrote: “The Argentine army in the streets to keep people at home”. And he added, “Curfew between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. 00:00 (sic). Good day everyone. ”To give shape to his tweet, he chose a photo from national media with part of what Fernández announced.

But that was not all, as he posted again. And this time, he highlighted the work of the Brazilian armed forces which “transport 320 kilograms of health equipment and covid vaccines for the municipality of Boca do Acre, in the Amazon”.

The one who picked up the glove was Defense Minister Agustín Rossi, who said “Argentina’s armed forces do not provide internal security” and stressed that “since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, military health worked in the fight “against the virus. In response and through the same social network, Rossi clarified: “Only health prevention, during the day, assisting unarmed as in all the actions we have taken in the pandemic.”

Previously, President Alberto Fernández also responded to Bolsonaro, in an interview he gave this morning to Radio Diez. “I have not declared a state of siege and I have no intention of doing so. The armed forces are not there to ensure internal security, but to act in the event of disasters by providing support to population.” And he questioned his Brazilian counterpart’s tweet saying “Argentina’s Constitution must be explained to him.”

The ironic statements come at a time when Bolsonaro is in the eye of the storm, to the point that Médecins sans frontières (MSF) today denounced his government’s “failed” response to the pandemic and warned of a humanitarian emergency in the country. He also stressed that the “lack of political will” is costing the lives of thousands of people in Brazil, one of the countries in the world most affected by the pandemic and where the virus already kills more than 360,000 and 13.6 million confirmed cases. since the start of the crisis, a little over a year ago.

The organization recalled that last week, the South American country recorded 11% of new covid-19 infections and 26% of reported deaths worldwide. The figures, according to MSF, “are clear proof of the authorities’ inability to manage the humanitarian and public health crisis the country is going through and to protect Brazilians from the virus, especially the most vulnerable”.

Without directly quoting President Jair Bolsonaro, MSF International President Christos Christou stressed that “the refusal to adopt evidence-based public health measures has caused too many premature and preventable deaths”. Bolsonaro, one of the leaders most denouncing the severity of the virus, has severely criticized social distancing measures, questioned the use of masks and defended the use of drugs with no proven effectiveness in the fight against COVID- 19, such as hydroxochloroquine.


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