The Argentine government "strongly condemns" Nicolás Maduro's decision to prevent the entry of aid to Venezuela – 23/02/2019


The The Argentine government condemned Saturday "energetically" Nicolás Maduro's decision to prevent the entry of humanitarian aid to Venezuela and the border crackdown with Brazil and Colombia.

He made it through a statement from the Foreign Ministry in which he also renewed "his support to the president in charge, Juan Guaidó".

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"The Argentine government strongly condemns the actions of the Maduro regime that have today prevented the entry of humanitarian aid from neighboring countries in order to address the dramatic situation in which millions of people are currently living. Venezuelans, "the statement said.

Incidents at the border between Venezuela and Colombia, given that trucks carrying aid enter the country. Photo EFE.

Incidents at the border between Venezuela and Colombia, given that trucks carrying aid enter the country. Photo EFE.

And he adds that "in the same way firmly repudiates the repression deployed by the regime's forces, which has left several dead and dozens wounded.

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Trucks loaded with humanitarian aid attempted to enter the country from Colombia, but the Venezuelan armed forces prevented it on Maduro's orders.

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"The Argentine government renews its support to the president in charge, Juan Guaidó, and to the efforts he is deploying with the National Assembly to allow the entry of food and medicines to alleviate suffering that the policies of the Maduro regime have imposed on all the Venezuelan people, "concludes the text.


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