The "Argentine Guzmán Chapo" fell in Bolivia


José Miguel Farfán, the "Argentinian Chapo Guzman", was arrested Wednesday in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, after an operation carried out jointly by the gendarmerie and local security forces. He was one of the most sought after Argentinean drug traffickers in the world.

Farfán took cocaine from Bolivia to Argentina on small planes. Those who know the drug dealer claim that he lived in a house and that he was traveling in the Bolivian streets with a yellow Hummer truck. He used fake documents and moved like a millionaire, according to what was reported by TN.

Farfán is also accused of corrupting magistrates in Argentina.

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"I would have entered Bolivia with fake documents.This morning it was intercepted on Cristo Redentor Avenue and the third ring," said the Bolivian police commander, Rómulo Delgado, to the local daily El Deber.

Farfán was with his 18 year old son at the time of his arrest. In January 2017, the Ministry of Security offered a $ 500,000 reward to anyone providing information to trace Farfán, convicted of drug trafficking.



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