The Argentine tourist who suffered a stroke in the United States returned home


The Argentine tourist who suffered a stroke in the American city of Florida he came back this Friday afternoon in Argentina in a medical plane, as confirmed with one of his children.

Eleonora Rut Kaplan was hospitalized on March 4th at Bayfront Hospital, in the city of St. Petersburg, 450 km from Miami, after suffering a stroke. In this reception center, she was operated twice and recommended returning home.

Kaplan's health was complicated when she spent a vacation in the United States with her husband. On the second day of the trip, he had a hemorrhagic stroke and had to be hospitalized d & # 39; emergency.

In addition to the critical condition of Kaplan during the first hours of his hospitalization, the family has accumulated a heavy debt to the clinic. He added about $ 400,000, with a hospitalization cost of $ 10,000 a day.

The woman returned to Argentina after her parents They were able to coordinate with the authorities of the Miami Consulate the journey in a medical plane that has been conditioned for that. The treatment for his recovery will follow him in a clinic in Buenos Aires.


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