The Argentine who faces the demon | Chronic


By Jorge Fernández Gentile
[email protected]

With more than 1,200 exorcisms performed and after that, some time ago, HD Chronicle, Laura's exorcism is transmitted, a young woman possessed by the devil, a case become one of the world's most famous, our columnist and friend, the father bishop Manuel Acuña, from the Independent Charismatic Lutheran Church of Argentina, was invited to speak at the first ecumenical table to be held next Saturday at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical Academy in Rome.

"I am the first Lutheran guest, which gives me the great responsibility to meet the expectations of the organizers and, above all, I ask God to allow me to effectively communicate the Argentine experience," said Acuña with joy.

He is the only Latin American invited to tell about his experiences in our country in terms of exorcism and liberation. This is the course XIV proposed on this sensitive subject. It is also considered the most important in the world for exorcists and badistants in exorcism.

In the middle of long and interesting days, Bishop Acuña declared Chronic his experience in this important event in the Italian capital. "The call was a surprise to me he pointed. Imagine: it's the Harvard Exorcist! The Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, responsible for the legionaries of Christ, has been leading this seminar for 13 years. This is the XIVth Annual Course of Exorcism and Pray for Liberation, in which are integrated all specialties, from anthropology to psychology, through the legal aspects and testimonials of Exorcists from all over the world. "

The Argentinian priest added a singular aspect of the moment when he lives: "I am the first Lutheran guest, which gives me the great responsibility to meet the expectations of the organizers and, above all, I ask God to allow me to effectively communicate the experience gained in Argentina." I entrust myself to the prayer of all.", concluded our qualified columnist.

It should be noted that Acuña created the first school of exorcism and liberation 8 years ago under the title of Evagrio Pontic in the Argentine Republic. And its curriculum is already applied in the republics of Venezuela and Colombia.

He also works in a company called Clinica del Alma, specializing in spiritual treatment, which also includes doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and a team specially prepared for spiritual health.

Specific task

Bishop Acuña, 17 years ago, dedicated himself to the practice of the ritual of exorcism, authorized by his religious tradition. In this context, it is necessary to emphasize that at the meeting on Saturday, a Lutheran will be heard to express on the experience of development and on the motivation of goods and liberations.

The causes, the evolution and the reasons for the properties that made this religious a recognized man in Latin America and Europe, with particularly important encounters with the father Gabriel Amorth, recognized as the most famous exorcist in the world and pbaded away two years ago, as well as Father Jdared Antonio Fortea, the most important Spanish-speaking demonologist.

Something that reevaluates the work of Bishop Acuña, who added a knowledge of the most important men and referents of the activity of exorcism and liberation. They meet as part of this course that is taking place these days, in addition to important priests from different congregations, many doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, anthropologists and of course journalists from around the world.

In this context, next Saturday, the Argentine father will refer directly to his experience in the region. From then on, he will be the first Latin American to enter the faculty category at this meeting.


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