The Argentine who killed his son has been a fugitive for ten days: they think he is still in Spain


The photo of Martín Ezequiel Álvarez Giaccio (44) can be found in all airports in Europe. His face is well known because since he killed his 2 year old son in a hotel in Barcelona, ​​the news has crossed the borders of Spain. Despite this, the Argentinian economist has been on the run for ten days.

Since August 24, the Catalan police have been monitoring places they consider key to get a clue about his whereabouts: the address where he lived with his French wife Aurélie; his father’s house in the town of El Vendrell and the residences of friends and colleagues.

Investigators are convinced that Ilvarez Giaccio not only planned in advance the murder of his son Leo, barely 2 years and 9 months old, but also thought very well about what he was going to do after the have kill.

For the detectives, the fact that they borrowed money from their relatives and that they have their passports with them suggests that the accused did not take false steps at the start of the investigation.

Follow the search for the Argentinian and suspected murderer of his son in Barcelona

What they believe is that their idea was to leave Spain. If he finally did, investigators suspect, it was because he used forged documents. So far, no one with that name has boarded a flight or crossed a land or sea border.

The latest clue available to the surveys places him at El Prat airport, where he arrived in a taxi. There is apparently no sign that he left the country or images in the boarding area. There are those who also speculate that in reality his intention was to seed a red herring for investigators to waste time looking for there.

One possibility that has lost its strength over time is that it was hidden in the Montjuïc region, at a height of 177 meters above sea level. This area is a tourist attraction that receives thousands of visitors. visitors and has several dirt trails and numerous parks, making it difficult to search by air and ground.

The hypothesis of a possible suicide does not seem far-fetched either, even if at the moment nobody dares to put too many tokens in it. The lack of clues as to his whereabouts and the fact that he has lost contact with his closest relatives could support this theory, although the rushed flight from the hotel and the trip to the airport indicate otherwise.

Argentinian accused of killing his son is Spain’s most wanted man

The truth is that ten days have passed and there is still no sure indication of his fate. To alert society, researchers have published in recent hours a photomontage with various changes that man could have adopted in his physiognomy to go unnoticed. In addition, Interpol has issued a red circular in case it attempts to leave Spain or is detained in another country.

“Álvarez Giaccio is 44 years old, he is 1.78 meters tall, has shaved hair, a cropped beard, an athletic complexion and brown eyes”, indicates the arrest warrant issued by Los Mossos D’Esquadra, the autonomous police of Catalonia. At the time of his escape, he was wearing a gray T-shirt, denim pants and red shoes.

Crime and escape. The murderer stayed on August 24 in room 704 of the Concordia hotel in Barcelona, ​​on Avinguda del Parallel. One of the guests said in the case that he remembers seeing him in the pool playing and filming his son Leo on his cell phone. He didn’t notice any strange behavior.

Álvarez Giaccio was in the process of separating, even if everything was very recent: he had left the apartment in Arizala Street, in the Sants Badal district, in Barcelona, ​​barely eight days ago, where he lived with his ex-wife and her son.

On the night of August 24, at 9:21 pm, he sends a message to Aurélie: “I will leave you at the hotel what you deserve”, he declared. The boy’s mother warned the authorities, but they did not arrive in time: when they finally entered the hotel room, Leo was dead and his father had disappeared with an uncertain destination.

He stabbed his children and sent a photo of his ex-partner with a bloody arm

“Sincerity, empathy and commitment”

The most wanted man in Spain has lived almost half of his life on the European continent. He had lived there for over twenty years and, as the Infobae website reveals, the last time he was in Argentina was in 2014. According to immigration records, he never returned.

Researchers rule out a possible escape to our country – at least immediately – as flights are restricted due to the coronavirus pandemic.

In his Linkedin account, which has already been deleted, he indicated that he had been trained in Buenos Aires but that he had a degree in economics at the University of Barcelona.

“My name is Martín Ezequiel Álvarez Giaccio, I have a degree in economics from the University of Barcelona and I have more than 15 years of experience in renowned financial institutions (CaixaBank, Banco Sabadell, BBVA, RCI Bank) “, he was presented on the social network, where he also mentioned the values ​​that define him:” These are professionalism, communication, teamwork, sincerity, adaptation, versatility, quality, empathy and commitment. “

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