The Argentine wounded in Bolivia claims that what he paid for medical care "they are charged to everyone, including Bolivians" – 31/01/2019


The payment of nearly $ 7,000 to a citizen of Jujuy for medical treatment received in Bolivia sparked sharp criticism in the last hours of Governor Gerardo Morales, accusing the government of Evo Morales of having treated "inhuman" way the Argentines of this country. .

However, although he confirmed that he had to pay a large sum of money to be treated, Manuel Vilca, the musician of Jujuy victim of an accident in the city of Oruro, specified Thursday that what he had to pay was at the expense of all the patients, including the Bolivians.

"They did not tell me that I had paid it because it was Argentinian, but that they charge everyone, be it Bolivia, Argentina, any where The health system (in Bolivia) is not free, "he said.

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In chain statements TN The artist said he suffered an accident near the city of Oruro. They were taken with a companion to San Juan de Dios Hospital, a public entity.

There, he said, he underwent a foot operation, although he said that "the attention was not very good, the facilities were a little precarious ".

Vilca said that "they neglected some treatment problems, they did not do the tomography with which the fracture was seen in the other clinic." "We were interned for four days. On the third day, they wanted to disorganize me because they had already been operated on.. And they did not listen because my foot was still hurting me, "he added.

There, according to the musician, he was charged about $ 3500 in total (as well as the attention of his partner), and explained that it was to deal with the expenses of "Surgical equipment and three titanium supplements"They placed it.

Then he was transferred to what he defined as "a semi-private clinic", Where he continued with the treatment and they asked him "$ 10,000 to register"

"In Bolivia, health was never free. Recently, Evo Morales began managing a universal, free health service. This is done even for the Bolivian people. Before, health was partially free. In practice, health has never been free in Bolivia, "said Vilca, who also has a residence in Bolivia, he said.

Mr. Consul: do not be hypocritical. This is not the first claim we make. They treat very badly the Argentineans in Bolivia. They should take care of returning the money paid in Bolivia to the Vilca family.

– Gerardo Morales (@ MoralesGerardo1) January 31, 2019

The controversy erupted after Gerardo Morales, on his Twitter account, issued an open letter to Bolivian President Evo Morales for the "inhuman" treatment suffered by Argentine citizens who need medical care in that country.

The answer was given by the Bolivian consul Nelson Garachi Mamani, who accused Gerardo Morales of wanting to extract "a political income" from the case.

Vilca returned to Jujuy in the province 's medical plane on Wednesday and was greeted at the airport by Morales himself.


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