The Argentinian businessman denied Maxi Montenegro: “Our production has increased by 35%”


The journalist of A24 Maximiliano Montenegro acted in an embarrassing scene when she was denied by an interviewee. Daniel Lucetti, tennis ball maker, celebrated in the air of MMD production growth and even a new shift in its factory to meet the demand of several countries in the world, but far from accompanying it Montenegro He was ashamed when the businessman denied it with data.

Daniel Luchetti, a manufacturer of tennis balls, said that although its production increased by 35% compared to 2019 and allowed a further change in its factory to meet demand from different countries, it is suffering from the delay in the delivery of ‘an essential component for tennis balls: the fabric. “The problem is that the demand is increasing more than the supply”, he synthesized.

“If you compare the imports of imported bullets that entered the country in the first half of this year versus 2019 because 2020 saw the pandemic, they increased by 18% and our production increased by 35“, He detailed. On the limitation that his factory is going through like many around the world, he clarified: “the main bottleneck of the manufacturers is the fabric which is only made in 2 parts of the world, everyone has this problem. “

“We have been contacted by importers from Brazil, Paraguay and Chile, a large European company who asked us to supply their customers in South America because there is a shortage all over the world. The import of raw materials is originally delayed and now we are starting another shift to meet this increased demand.“he insisted.

Little listening to the interviewee and the situation and looking for those responsible, Montenegro asked the businessman if he had shut down imports and if that was the problem, but before waiting for any response, he said: “colleagues who play much better tennis at the north zone club tell me they like imported balls and don’t get them by chance“.

What I can tell you are the numbers of the import databases, the latest information available is from June 2021 and the information I am giving you is objective data.“, replied Luchetti. “So you say that there is no further restriction but that the request has been fundamentally exploited,” said the reporter from A24.

“This is our explanation”, synthesized the manufacturer. “This is why we are increasing the level of production, I just said, if you compare our level of production today to the level before the pandemic, we are 35% higher, but it is not enough and , therefore my idea is to keep growing “, defined.

“Is any material available?” Insisted the journalist and Luchetti He clarified again the many: “It is not a question of local restriction but of the time it takes to manufacture the raw material.”

Far from taking the message, the reporter dispatched the interviewee and said with a laugh: “I am getting messages from a few friends who play tennis who are indeed complaining that they have opened the importation but the demand is so great and there is There is a shortage of bullets because they have closed the importation “.

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