The Argentinian fallen to the sea in Uruguay seemed dead


Argentine paragliding instructor Leandro Ramos, 43, was eagerly sought after after falling to the water on La Pedrera beach in Uruguay last Sunday. Unfortunately, Ramos' body was found this morning and drowned instead.

The Argentine instructor was practicing paragliding with a 56 year old woman when the landing failed. The 56-year-old survivor managed to leave on her own, but warned that the journalist had disappeared at sea.

Ramos' body, which was with his paraglider, was spotted by a neighbor who called the Uruguayan authorities. The body and the element in which it was mobilized were dragged by the current this morning towards the coast.

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On Monday, in the same area, a shoe belonging to Ramos had been discovered. She was doing paragliding flight baptisms in the country.

"There is tremendous pain, distress and helplessness.You can imagine what we feel, the desire to have it.We already know that we do not have it alive but we want to get it back, have the body and say goodbye, "said Zully Ramos, sister of the deceased, a few hours before the body was saved.



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