The army has resumed its firepower in the Venezuelan armed forces: it controls the strategic command and five of the eight defense regions


General Julio Ramón Barrios Torres is the new second Commander and Chief of General Staff of the Army
General Julio Ramón Barrios Torres is the new Army’s second Commander and Chief of General Staff

Five of the eight global defense regions are now in the hands of the Venezuelan army: the National Guard, the military aviation and the Bolivarian navy each have a component. In addition, the Strategic operational command (Ceofanb), which was occupied by a naval officer for several years, returned to the military with the appointment of the current general-in-chief Domingo Hernandez Larez, who had just occupied the command of the army.

By Resolution 041381 of July 10, 2021, Nicolás Maduro completes the formation of the expanded military high command with the appointment of the heads of the global defense regions (REDI), which concentrate the true power of military fire in the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, since Hugo Chávez Frías deprived the power of the component commanders to disintegrate him among the commanders of REDI.

Commander of Comprehensive Aerospace Defense

General (Av) Hernán David García Perozo, CODAI Aerospace Defense Commander
General (Av) Hernán David García Perozo, CODAI Aerospace Defense Commander

MG (Av) is ratified Hernán David García Perozo (Aragua), who has held the post since July 2020. He graduated from the class of 1990, in order of merit number 4 of the “Second Lieutenant Armando Ferrer González” class, which had 53 graduates. And he holds the post of director of operational readiness for the Bolivarian military aviation.

REDI capital

General Javier José Marcano Tabata, Head of REDI Capital
General Javier José Marcano Tabata, Head of REDI Capital

The new commander is the MG. (Ex) Javier José Marcano Tabata. (Caracas, 1968). It was ranked 207, out of 213 in the “Gral. by Bgda. Daniel Florencio O’Leary ”. A few days ago, he was promoted to major general and appointed to replace MG Wistohor Gregorio Chourio Andrade, who is now the commander of the Bolivarian national militia.

Marcano held the post of Commander of the Integral Defense Operational Zone (ZODI) of Miranda State No.43. When the drone attack on Nicolás Maduro occurred in August 2018, he was the commander of the Special Unit for the Security and Protection of State Persons (Uesppe), of the presidential honor guard.

REDI central

General José Antonio Murga Baptista, new head of REDI central
General José Antonio Murga Baptista, new head of REDI central

The newly appointed leader to this important post is the MG. (Ex) José Antonio Murga Baptista. (San Cristóbal, Táchira, 1968). He was the head of ZODI Carabobo. In one event, he said that the country is under siege by the empire, “for this reason, today more than ever, we must follow the directives of the eternal commander Hugo Chavez, who clearly established the union of patriots to defend the homeland; and this unity is what we are asking for at the moment ”.

REDI Western

In this photo, General Renier Enrique Urbáez Fermín with Admiral Eika Coromoto Virgüez Oviedo and Minister Padrino López
In this photo, General Renier Enrique Urbáez Fermín with Admiral Eika Coromoto Virgüez Oviedo and Minister Padrino López

Replacing General José Santiago Moreno Martínez, the Western REDI is now headed by the MG. (Ex) Renier Enrique Urbaez Fermin, who was number 9 in the order of merit of the “Gral. by Bgda. Daniel Florencio O’Leary ”, graduated in 1991.

On July 26, 2019, by resolution No. 031443, he was appointed President of the Institute for Social Security of the Armed Forces (IPSFA), according to Gazette No. 41 685 of August 1, 2019. He was in charge of the military hospital in Caracas, Dr. Carlos Arvelo.

For October 2017, by resolution n ° 019756, he is assigned, together with General Felix Ramón Osorio Guzman, in the Office of the Deputy Minister of Education for Defense.

On November 16, 2015, by decree n ° 2,100, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Internal Trade of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, as Director. Previously, in October 2014, by resolution 068-14, he was appointed vice-president of the Corporación Socialista del Cemento, SA.

REDI The Andes

José Santiago Moreno Martínez, new head of REDI Western
José Santiago Moreno Martínez, new head of REDI Western

The MG has been appointed for this post. (Ex) José Santiago Moreno Martinez (Monagas), number 52 of the promotion “Gral de División José Trinidad Morán”, 1990, He held positions in the Western Redi and before in the ZODI Lara and in the ZODI Barinas (2018). In 2016, he commanded the 22nd Infantry Brigade of Mérida.

REDI Los Llanos

Santiago Alejandro Infante Itriago occupies the Los Llanos network
Santiago Alejandro Infante Itriago occupies the Los Llanos network

For this REDI, a Military Aviation officer has been appointed, the new Major General (Av) Santiago Alejandro Infante Itriago (Guarico). This pilot was the second of the promotion “Subteniente Eduardo Antonio Rivas Gruber”. He was the head of the important Liberator air base and also director of the Bolivarian Military Aviation Academy.

REDI Oriental

General (GNB) Winder Enrique González Urdaneta makes his debut at the helm of Redi Oriental
General (GNB) Winder Enrique González Urdaneta makes his debut at the helm of Redi Oriental

A major general of the Bolivarian National Guard is the new head of Redi Oriental; is the MG (GNB) Reel Enrique González Urdaneta, who was commander of ZODI Guárico, director of operational readiness of GNB, was also in charge of the Military Academy of the Bolivarian National Guard, from where he left to assume the joint intelligence leadership of the Strategic Operational Command (Ceofanb) .

REDI Guyana

General (Ex) Alfredo Román Parra Yarza in charge of Redi Guayana
General (Ex) Alfredo Román Parra Yarza in charge of Redi Guayana

MG (Ej) A hard tackle from Alfredo Román to Parra Yarza, who was Hugo Chávez’s aide-de-camp, was in charge of ZODI 52 in Monagas State. In 2017, he was appointed chief of the 22nd Infantry Brigade. He was the head of the Bolivarian Army Savings Bank (Caejerb).

THINK Maritime and Island

Admiral Neil Jesús Villamizar Sánchez head of the Maritime and Island Network.
Admiral Neil Jesús Villamizar Sánchez head of the Maritime and Island Network.

For this post the admiral was appointed Neil Jesus Villamizar Sánchez (1969, Caracas). He was number 3 in the “Captain Sebastián Broguier” promotion in 1991. He was in command of the CN Felipe Santiago Estéves naval training center and commander of the Bolivarian naval squad.

It should be noted that the new Inspector of the Army component is the Major General (Ex) Angelvis Antonio Pérez Rodriguez, who was in charge of the global defense operational zone in Amazonas. was before like Military attaché at the Venezuelan Embassy in Cuba.

On the other hand, the major general was appointed second in command and chief of general staff of the army. Julio Ramón Barrios Torres.

Twitter: @SebastianaB


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