The army pursues “Gentil Duarte” through the jungle, after a military operation in his camp


This Thursday, July 29, the Military Forces and the National Police carried out an operation against alias ‘Gentil Duarte’, for whom the national government offers a reward of up to 2,000 million pesos and it is requested by means of a red Interpol circular. This individual was located in a house in the village of El Camuya, a rural area of ​​San Vicente del Caguán, north of Caquetá, while he was carrying out drug trafficking coordination tasks.

Immediately, the Military Forces and the Police they deployed special forces troops who reached the site where he was hiding This subject finds the war material, communications, quartermaster and computers that he left abandoned and which will be made available to the competent authorities.

At this hour, the individual flees through the jungle and law enforcement continues to search for this terrorist using advanced troops, planes and technology.

“The offensive against this bandit is permanent, it is important to remember that on March 1 its closest security structure was dismantled as part of the development of military operations”, noted the army.

‘Gentil Duarte’ is responsible for directing the seventh dissident front in the south and east of the country. Born in Florencia, Caquetá, in 1963, Duarte joined the 14th Front des Farc at the age of 18, and thanks to his ease of communication and his charisma, he won the trust of guerrilla leaders such as’Mono Jojoy ‘and’ Alfonso Cano ‘.

Duarte quickly rose to the top of the criminal structure. He became the commander of Block 7, which controlled extortion and drug trafficking in the Meta Department, he became one of the most powerful narco-guerrillas and, since 2009, he held a post at the general staff of the eastern bloc of the FARC-EP.

Years later, like the other powerful men of the old guerrillas, ‘Gentil Duarte ‘was part of the FARC-EP negotiating team in Havana, to reach the final Peace Agreement. However, in 2016, Botache Santillana shone in anticipating the breakdown of it by both sides and was the first guerrilla to become a dissident, thus forming his own illegal army to continue his criminal life.

Mocoa, August 06, 2019 Gentil Duarte.  dissident of the Farc (Colprensa - Germán Enciso)
Mocoa, August 06, 2019 Gentil Duarte. dissident of the Farc (Colprensa – Germán Enciso)

During the X Farc conference, held in September 2016 in the Llanos del Yarí, the last appearance of “Gentil Duarte” as a peace negotiator was recorded, that day, although he interacted with officials and journalists, danced and was friendly, the guerrillas decided to leave the dialogue table. With an order from Tymoshenko, Duarte went to the jungle of Guaviare in search of “Iván Mordisco”.

What he noticed when he arrived on the scene was the dissatisfaction of many fighters with the negotiations, determined to continue the armed struggle. Next to “Mordisco” was “John 40”, his disciple and second in command of the first front., in addition, Giovanny Chuspas, Julián Chollo and Euclides Mora. The rest of the story is not very hard to guess, ‘Gentil Duarte “went from speaker to leader and, thanks to his influence, became the great leader of the dissidents who were just beginning to form.

In November 2016, the general direction of the FARC announced the expulsion of Duarte, which was indifferent to him, since he was arming an army of more than 1,500 men who would feed on drug trafficking.

Since then, according to the InSight Crime portal, ‘Gentil Duarte’ fought to unite the forces of dissidents spread across the country. Currently, the dissident leads the subversive groups that operate in Arauca, Vichada, Guainía, Meta, Guaviare, Vaupés, Amazonas, Caquetá, Putumayo, Nariño, Cauca and Antioquia.

The authorities have determined that the seventh dissident front, commanded by “Botache”, is the largest and the strongest, according to the Minister of Defense, Diego Molano, this group is responsible for the “Recruitment of minors, attacks against the public force, kidnapping and illegal extraction of minerals”, as quoted by El Heraldo.

Among his most recent criminal actions “There is the kidnapping and subsequent murder of the national army second lieutenant Carlos Arturo Becerra, in the municipality of Puerto Concordia (Meta) ”.


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