The author of the shooting in a German synagogue acknowledged that it was an anti-Semitic attack


Germany they are in shock after this has happened an antisemitic attack in a synagogue from the city of Halle. On Wednesday, October 9, a 27-year-old unemployed man, isolated and hard-working from the Internet, wanted to "commit a massacre" in the temple and, unable to get in, shot cold blood on a woman and a man, while filming with a camera attached to his helmet.

According to the prosecutors in charge of the case, the young Stephan Balliet acknowledged the paternity of the attack and He confessed that he was motivated by anti-Semitism and right-wing extremism.

A spokesman for the federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe said the detainee had made a "very complete" statement during an interrogation that had lasted several hours. "He gave a long confession. He confirmed that the far right and anti-Semitic motives "were the motivators of the attack, said the official.

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The attack of the attacker was broadcast live for 35 minutes on the Twitch platform, used for live video broadcasts, including video games. It has been seen, in real time, by more than 2,000 people and shared on social networks. Prior to the attack, the author had also published a kind of anti-Semitic manifesto in which he expressed his intention to "kill as many anti-Whites as possible, preferably Jews," according to the report. observatory of terrorism SITE and the newspaper. Die welt.

Victims, according to reports, they are a German man and woman who seemed randomly chosen when the attacker could not access the synagogue. The police finally captured the attacker after a shootout during which the attacker was injured. After the arrest, the investigators found four kilograms of homemade explosive in his car.

The attack was transmitted in real time by the Twitch platform

"What happened yesterday was terrorism " said anti-terrorist prosecutor Peter Frank. For its part, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the political class as a whole have pledged maximum firmness against the threat of extreme right extremism. The German leader promised a "zero tolerance" against "hatred". "Representatives of the rule of law must use every means that he offers to fight against hatred and violence," he said in Nuremberg in a speech to the metalworkers.

Germany is preparing to strengthen "massively" its security forcessaid Interior Minister Horst Seehofer "We must protect" German Jews, solemnly declared the president of the nation, Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

We must create a united front against neo-Nazis and other extremist groups, said the president of the World Jewish Congress

Some politicians deemed "scandalous" the attack on the synagogue I was not protected by the police on Wednesdaywhen the Jews celebrated one of their most sacred feasts, Yom Kippur, the day of forgiveness. "We need to create a united front against neo-Nazis and other extremist groups.The fact that they are gaining space 75 years after the Holocaust is eloquent," said the president of the World Jewish Congress , Ronald Lauder.

The attack takes place after the June murder Walter Luebcke, local politician favorable to migrants and member of the Chancellor's party Angela Merkel, the CDU. The main suspect is a member of a neo-Nazi group.

AFP / B.D.N. / F.F.


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