the autopsy ends and the hearse will lead him to the wake


After the frightening discovery, Julen's body is being examined by professionals who will take him to the funeral home. The case generates a worldwide unrest.

The pain of the family
The pain of the family

The lifeless body of the little Julen He was found by two minors and a member of the Civil Guard at 1:25 am This was announced by the government delegate in Andalusia, Alfonso Rodríguez Gómez de Celis, during a press conference during which the spokesman explained that it was about the rescue of A two-year-old boy trapped in an illegal well in Totalán, Malaga, on 13 January.

At this time, the child's body is submitted to an autopsy to determine the details of his death and, once completed, the hearse Julen in the wake of El Palo, in Málaga.

It was learned that the results of the autopsy would not be disclosed because they would go directly to court. While the judicial police of the Civil Guard will be responsible for badyzing the details of the cause of death of the small Julen.

The Government delegate explained that the two-year-old boy could have descended in free fall to a depth of 71 meters, an area in which he "hit a dirt floor". In turn, the spokesman said that the reasons for the well, more than 100 meters deep, was filled at this stage and why the entrance was open are unknown.

The questions that remain in the tragic end of the Julen affair

The executive member described the rescue of "humanitarian engineering work" and badured that the case was now in the hands of the judge of the No. 9 court of Malaga . In addition, he asked for support and respect to the family of the child, who is expecting his son in the wake of the neighborhood of El Palo, in which they reside.

Source: The confidant.

The words of a firefighter who participated in the operation:

Video: Telecinco.

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