The autopsy of Jovenel Moise, president of Haiti, gave frightening results


Details revealed by autopsy which was made to the President of Haiti, Jovenel Moise, after being murdered, they were cooling. In this way, it was found that was riddled.

According to the report, the bullets were executed with large caliber guns and a 9 millimeter.

“We found him lying on his back, blue pants, bloodstained white shirt, the open mouth, pierced left eye. We saw a bullet hole in the forehead, one in each nipple, three in the hip, one in the abdomen “, revealed detailed judge Carl Henry Destin to the newspaper” Le Nouvelliste “.

MartineMoise’s wife was also seriously injured in the attack and She is admitted to a Miami hospital. For her part, the couple’s daughter was able to hide in a room and was unharmed, just like his brother.

In addition, it was found that both the office and the chamber of the President of Haiti they were “looted” by the attackers after the armed attack.

In the last hours, “Four mercenaries were killed, two posts under our control. Three policemen who had been taken hostage were recovered, ”said the director general of the police, Léon Charles.

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