The baby's smirk was actually a symptom of cancer


Few months ago, Jack, three years old, started to change the smile. Her parents noticed that she was a little on the side, but they thought the boy was imitating something that he had seen and they were not worried. However, in just four weeks, they noticed that he also had vision problems and nightmares.

Preoccupied, they took him to the doctor to find out what had happened to him. After doing a tomography, they were diagnosed: Jack has a terminal brain tumor. The doctors explained that he was suffering from a very aggressive type of cancer in the child, which develops rapidly and affects the area of ​​the brain responsible for basic functions of the body, such as sleep, breathing and blood pressure.

The doctors explained that there was nothing to do there and estimated that the child has between six months and one year of life, depending on how you respond to treatment. "We are destroyed, it was the most terrible news we have ever received in our lives, I can not even consider that at some point it will not be with us anymore," said his father, Wesley Lacey. , the newspaper Daily mail.

"The weirdest thing is that the symptoms appeared during the last four weeks but they told us that the tumor had been there for several months", Explained the man.To attempt to stop the growth of the tumor, they applied radiotherapy and chemotherapy, while putting a device to treat it.Also, they administer a powerful drug that according to their parents, changes their personality.

His parents thought that Jack's slanted smile was due to imitation. (Photo: Wesley Lacey / Facebook)
His parents thought that Jack's slanted smile was due to imitation. (Photo: Wesley Lacey / Facebook)

This family from Sheffield (England) decided to spend as much time as possible with her son. He currently lives at home with his two-year-old sister. As well, they raise funds to meet all their wishesamong them, take her on a trip and offer her gifts. "We also want him to go to the cinema for the first time and buy him a dog, he has already chosen his name: he will call it Waffle," added the man.

"Our little one it deserves to enjoy all that it can and that is why we have a lot of projects"He badured." He never stops talking and joking. We know it will be like that until it is very sick. We can not describe everything that we will miss, "he added.


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